
like having unprotected sex. (Disclaimer I own Valtrex shares and am still bitter about the generics) so keep on banging America!

So unnecessary for Malvo to scare the kids that way and possibly draw unwanted attention to himself before he had located Lester. But it just worked so well to add to his characters inherent evilness.

Yes, I keep expecting one to explode similar to the (coincidentally Minnesota kid) Luke Helder who planted mailbox bombs around the midwest in the shape of a smiley face. Lou told Malvo that Gus was a mailman now, so that and the bear-trap someone else mentioned in Lesters basement my gut says may come into play in

Me too! The score by Jeff Russo with the finger snapping had a definite Twin Peaks feel to the opening part. Just when I thought Lester couldn't get any more cowardly sending Linda into the store, when he tells her to put her hood up to protect her face he managed to drop another rung.

::: checks twitter trending ::: Nope not yet.

I also thought they were racing the rest of the clones and the admission that Compaq and others were already "there" left me wondering what is the window they are racing to get into? maybe the whole "handle" portable idea but Joe acted like he just thought of it at the end of the episode. I recognized alot of the

I almost stopped at the headline "John Waters fantasized" but glad I didn't. Definitely a unique american who loves life and those he interacts with. I can imagine his initial apprehension of trudging his way through flyover country so the results will be an interesting read.

Kanye West just turned to the hobbit and asked if this meant he doesn't love himself anymore.

I really need to quit skipping meetings. Gay Beethoven is on the loose!

You will be rewarded in heaven … with a moisturizing sampler pack from goop.

"My husband Chris likes my vagina"

Bubba's lower lip is gonna be ginormous!

A mangy stray dog eating a steaming pile of shit.

Isn't anyone here going to leap to the defense of East St Louis which was so badly portrayed in the movie? Or has everybody already been there?

But he did learn to ride Marisa Tomie which can be just as challenging so I call that a push (push push push).

Xenu approves of the sci-fi genre so I would say yes.

Imagine all those "We're on the Highway to L" montages that just died. ESPN and AC/DC greatly saddened.

Penny Marshall brimming with nostalgia just arrived with a shopping cart.

Because "Grimace grimaced at the Hamburlers sudden entry" just doesn't do much for the average reader. I on the other hand thought it was totally hot.

Only because the driver could not afford a Bends.