Will Buxton

I think you could take any one of the top 5 in Indycar and they'd be winning races in the W05 this season.

A representative restructuring of a greater proportion of the sport's revenue to be allocated to the teams. Take any voting and vetoing rights away from the teams over regulation and place it back in the hands of the FIA.

It was all I ever wanted to do from the age of 13. I went to Uni to study Politics and Law as I thought it would give me a decent foundation as a writer, and teach me to research but keep an element of individuality. I wrote my Politics thesis on the Politics of F1 which my Uni thought was utter crap, but David

Sauber have now only to focus on looking ahead. It will change hugely for them.

Honestly, it's weird. I think it is a nervous thing. I never realised how much I do it. But they can smell of different things. Usually all awful.

No idea, I am terrible at maths. I'll go with 14.

Steve, like all of us, is driven by his passion. That's pure Steve coming out in those moments. As for Ferrari, I think we get told we are Hamilton biased or Ferrari biased or this or that. We try so hard to be even handed with our analysis, but we can't please everyone all the time. There's no intentional favouring

It is a heavy, but magnificent burden. Haha. Thank you

Haha, not really. I tend to have a joke with the Finns that they don't really have a language and it's all just noise, and sometimes I'll stand there shouting out random vowel sounds without realising they're actually on air. We all get on really well to be honest.

Thank you. I'm glad my random nonsense makes sense at times.

I reckon downhill skiing would be fun. Also cricket, because honestly if you've ever listened to Test Match Special (and you must) it's just bunch of guys talking about any old crap.

I'd love to see Rossi racing in F1. Daly is a hustler, too. Newgarden would be interesting. He has matured greatly since his single season of GP3, and I'd love to see how he fared.

I'm on the periphery of the pit lane at race start. Favourite track... we were discussing it last night and if I could pick one track to race forever it would have to be Suzuka.

About as realistic as any of the other options to be honest. With Domenicali there, it just got interesting. Audi's denial about its F1 intentions also wasn't really a denial, was it?

We never had access to pit lane in qualifying or the race. The "sweeping changes" merely limited our numbers in pit lane in practice and were blown out of all proportion by an FIA desperate to show it was doing something, when in fact it wasn't.

Thanks for the kind comments.

I don't think F1 is as broken as it is being made out at the moment. I think there was more reason to panic when Honda, Toyota, BMW etc starting pulling out.

Bernie has long propagated the assumption that F1 needs exclusivity to set it apart and I agree to an extent. Its a tough call how

Yeah you'd probably hear about it, but it's not some police state as people seem to assume. I've been driven mad by certain sections of the weblog world who seem to think that as accredited press we are hiding some big FIA conspiracy , particularly in light of Suzuka. People who propagate that myth don't have a clue

Enough of the "jokers." Those Taylor boys are fast.

I've known drivers have a cheeky cigarette when they let their hair down on a Sunday night. Schumacher was always partial to a cigar, I don't think that's a big secret. Last really big smoker was Jan Magnussen I think.

He can be quite tough to interview at times, particularly if you presume to know more than you do. He's very shrewd, very savvy... I wouldn't say intimidating, but it is a challenge to interview him well. I don't think I've got it nailed just yet.