Will Buxton

There have been a few times where I've been filming and have been in uncontrollable hysterics, usually because my cameraman Alex has been acting like a chump. I'm extremely lucky to make my passion my job, so every day is fun and I know that every day... well, most days... I will be left with happy memories and

The great thing is to see how much we've increased from year one to year two and I hope that will only increase into year three.

My heart lies in GP2.

It's close. I have to say I think the racing in F1 this year, front to back, has been stellar. Indycar has the benefit of being a spec (until next season) series so you'll always theoretically have closer racing.

Very difficult to say and I think much will depend obviously on which driver leads the team. I don't think losing Sam Michael will hurt them either.

Is Ron playing a master game here, and will re-sign JB and KMag and stick two fingers up at Alonso for shafting McLaren in 2007? Or has Alonso signed on with Honda? If JB does end up without a drive, I reckon he might just disappear off with Jessica and have beautiful babies and live a happy and contented life,

Very few tracks have the same flow as the old classics. The European heartland is important, but in the US we've got some great classic tracks that could be updated for F1. I'm thinking Watkins Glen, Sonoma or Elkhart lake.

WEC's engine regs aren't that open, and in F1 I'm not sure a budget cap would work. Too many sneaky accountants.

I'd have to say Draco Rosa, but mainly because of the recording of the Cannonball Run 2 theme tune. I grew up on that movie!

Thanks. What was lovely that day was Pastor saying that even with all his junior category experience, nothing could have prepared him for the first time he drove an F1 car. He got as excited as we were that we'd be getting to have that same emotion. Lovely guy. If a bit mental.

Not Jennie Gow.

I take it that's a slight on my age. Which I will take as a compliment as I move towards my mid 30s.

Ray Bans


Istanbul. Loved the city. Loved the track. OOoohh. Or Magny Cours. Because drinking wine with your mates in old chateaus was mega!

It was the media who suddenly latched onto the closed cockpits idea. The FIA have been working on the concept for years. I talk to Charlie about it regularly. What people need to understand is this. Total closed cockpits creates too much risk in F1 for trapping a driver. As such, it would only ever be a screen. But in

Because you make him look that way. Dick.

I love Budapest. It's amazing. My favourite city in the world. We all thought Korea was going to be dreadful but Mokpo was so awful it was brilliant. Worst place? Honestly, it's probably China, because we don't stay in Shanghai we stay 2 hours outside it in a town called Jiading which is like a really crap version of

Absolutely! I've heard you get some awesome views in the GA section too. Have a BLAST! And I hope she has a lovely birthday.

It is ironic that the march towards improved safety in F1 and the filtered down effects on junior championships has led to the current generation of racers feeling nigh on immortal. The cars and tracks are so safe, that they can have huge accidents and walk away unhurt. Frankly I think we were hugely lucky that the