Good Cop

Except for the pixie dust crap that the starships left over whenever they went into warp; that was bullshit.

Into his arms! Presumably he can't bend his wrists while retracting them.

What is this, like, a dark and gritty reimagining of the zombie apocalypse genre?

I wonder how well Black-ish is doing with white audiences.

But doesn't she never talk in it, or something?

I'm amazed that this odd conversation has lasted as long as it has.

Between this, Orci leaving, Justin Lin joining, and the Simon Pegg news, this movie has quickly gone from being potentially terrible to potentially awesome.

Seriously, fuck you Sam, you literally included four, four fucking unmarked and unprovoked spoilers in this article. I knew all of them already, and probably most of people reading this did too, but still, Jesus Christ

Well, after twenty-three adventures, odds are the villain's gonna win on at least one occasion.

Wait, what?!


Check out the YouTube comments for this. One of them is somebody asking for the leak of the movie, and he goes on to have a conversation with a bunch of other commenters who also want the leak, and finally, somebody provides a supposed link to the leak. The comment, and the reply that provides a link, both have 200+

I didn't realize so many other people listened to ambient music while working! This is exciting. I'll totally take some of these recommendations.

Okay yeah, all good points. And I like that Ewok metaphor; I'll totally steal it for future use.

A lot of films shoehorn in needless, love-at-first-sight subplots into films, though. It's an annoying trope, but it's not as though the trope says more about women than it does about men.

Anna and Elsa are essentially the only to women in the entirety of Frozen

I also like that they chose just that one shot to have there be no sound in space. It was inconsistent with the rest of the movie, but it was pretty cool anyway.

upvoted for deftly cooling down what could have easily turned into a heated, annoying argument


It's pretty commonly accepted that a film isn't necessarily sexist if it doesn't pass the Bechdel test. Otherwise, we'd have to label a whole crapton of great films as sexist. The fact that the majority of films fail the test is certainly sexist, but that doesn't mean that every single one of those films is sexist on