Good Cop

Let me be clear: I have no problem with calling Joss Whedon an asshole, or with calling his feminism purity into question. I do have a problem with how much reporting this site and others have done on his personal life, and with declaring his entire body of work to be unfeminist based on a few writing missteps and on

Holy shit

For Our Consideration: xy was never a feminist

Jesus, I can't wait for Kinja to kill us all so I don't have to read this stupid website anymore

Honestly? If it's not a primary cause it's pretty damn close. The reason somebody as outwardly (and inwardly) foolish as Trump became so popular among the right is because he is the polar opposite of "politically correct." I don't think it's what won him the election, but I do think it's what won him the Republican

C'mon, they missed the most ubiquitous component of a modern-day movie trailer: A joke right after the title card to let the audience know that the movie isn't all dark and gloomy, followed by one more quick random action-y shot to reinforce the fact that it's still an action film and not a comedy.

It seems overwhelmingly unlikely to me that this show will portray the Confederacy as anything other than fundamentally evil and traitorous. You really think this show might portray it positively? I don't understand how anyone can be so certain of this show's racism before it's even started filming.

The "my best friend is black" argument is typically used as cover for a white person to continue being racist. In this case, I'm using it to say that, hey, maybe we should actually watch the show before we declare its black producers to be creating something that's racist against their own race. This is a little

Whoa, so you watched an episode of Confederate already? How'd you manage that?

Progressive thinkpiece writers are gonna feel pretty awkward attacking this hypothetical show once the cast list is announced and half the actors are people of color.

Yeah this TV show with two black producers that doesn't exist yet is a lot to be outraged about

It seems very unlikely to me that a show about slavery won't have people of color in leading roles.

The A.V. Club is trying really hard to get us outraged about this show.

Didn't even know which publication he worked for but I immediately knew you were talking about Kyle Smith. Screw Kyle Smith.

The absolute worst thing about "The Cursed Child" is how when the characters go back in time with the intent of changing the past, one of them stays behind and says "Go on, I'll wait here!" They successfully change the past and return to a dramatically altered future where everybody on the planet obviously doesn't

Since you're the third-listed comment when sorting by best (even though you have the most upvotes), it would appear that many people downvoted you for making a factual statement.

Yay, Armie! Also, I've only seen Timothée Chalamet in Interstellar and Homeland but he was good in those.

The general opinion about Confederate around the A.V. Club (commenters, not writers) seems to have quickly changed from "I think this is a terrible show" to "I have no opinion on this show, because it doesn't exist yet". I am heartened to see this happen.

Some people think it's dumb but I really liked how pre-transformation Jamie Foxx got his own dopey little theme song in the beginning.

Wow, four "Moochie died on his way back to his home planet" jokes in just ten minutes.