Good Cop

Yeah, she was really, irrationally angry about this one article. She's not the only one; a current A.V. Club writer is even joining in on the rage. So far, the only other AVC writer to respond to her complaints is Jesse, who reacted in an appropriately sarcastic manner.

Considering I hated Ponyo, I'd probably hate The Wind Wises even more. Which is odd, because I adore Spirited Away. (I also liked Howl's Moving Castle, but then again, I haven't seen that one since I was nine years old.)

I was enthralled for the first half but became pretty bored once Mason turned 15 or so. I don't really know why—the events in the second half are pretty much just as banal as the ones in the first half, evil stepfather subplot aside.

I know we're all supposed to be upset about Selma getting "robbed", and that complaining about The Lego Movie's snub being more glaring than Selma's means that I'm somehow racist, but I honestly can't sympathize with a movie that got nominated for Best Picture.

Have you ever seen the clip of Aasif Mandvi plugging The Last Airbender on The Daily Show? It was kind of awkward. It was obvious that he had no interest in the film whatsoever.

I looked at the settings; there is also an option to allow a friend to deactivate your account, thankfully.

"You're so nice! You're not good, you're not bad, you're just nice! I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right!"

100% of the 50 Shades of Grey Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are currently positive, so I consider myself validated.

Okay yeah, that's too optimistic

Predicted AVC critic: Jesse
Predicted grade: B-

Yay! Finally, some optimism!

It's okay, we all think that, all the time. You're just brave enough to say it out loud.

Wait, shit, it's cool to hate Fargo too now? The movie or the show?

Donna's back?! I didn't even know that was within the realm of possibility! I thought she was as dead as Todd or Tasha! This is a dream come true!

Let's have a round of applause for Lincoln for showcasing the first-ever positive portrayal of Thaddeus Stevens.

I kind of want somebody to start up a "Reposted Breitbart comments" gimmick account. Then again, such an act would probably prolong this war longer than it needs to.

I love how everybody here is a United States history nerd for some reason. I envy your abundance of knowledge.

It's been awhile since I've actually sat down to watch Episode I. Accents aside, what is there that's stereotypically Asian about the Neimodians?

Are we calling the movies sexist because of a lack of female characters? If so, I think Jackson deserves some credit for his enhancement of Arwen's screentime, as well as the additions of Tauriel and Galadriel to The Hobbit.

I've never understood how so many semi-reasonable Southerners still see that as a good excuse. It's been awhile since my last US History class, but wasn't the only right the South was fighting for the right to own slaves? Was there anything else to it?