Good Cop

Screw you guys, the Hunger Games theme park is gonna be totally awesome and I'm totally going. What's that? Its very existence somehow contradicts the themes of the story? Pff. You're reading into this too much.

The Harry Potter Wiki is so great, but it's reasons like that that make me hate it so much sometimes. Some of the most obvious this-is-only-canon-in-the-movie happenings are considered completely canon by those guys, even if they have to come up with contrived reasons to make it so it isn't contradictory.

Embarrassing confession: Every time somebody mentions Heavenly Creatures, I get it confused with that one YA fantasy adaptation Beautiful Creatures from a couple years ago.

"Hey, Patrick! What am I?"
"Uh… stupid?"
"No, I'm Texas!"
"What's the difference?"

I blame limited release. Seriously, what is it about all of these films being in limited release? At least half of them seem like they would do just fine if they were released widely. But then, I'm not a film executive, so I don't know how it works.

Whiplash is dead last? Augh god fucking dammit.

Don't forget Interstellar, in one of the most minor roles of the movie.

Solid. I've definitely heard that title before recently—is it on Netflix or something?

Why not? It would probably draw in a lot more male viewers.

Yeah, if they do original episodes, I'll be completely on board with this. Three episodes of Black Mirror a year does not satiate me.

I'm optimistic. This film's got a solid cast, a solid director, and solid source material. Yeah, some of the plot details seem like bad ideas, but then, putting Thor into the Iron Man universe seemed like a bad idea at the time too.

Between this and Ignatiy giving The Boy Next Door a solid B-, I'm really loving The A.V. Club's direction right now.

Hey, a newbie!

Whoa, I thought you meant Marvel Cinematic Universe and I got really scared for a second.

Seriously! Jeez, everybody here is talking just like my dad. "Stop talking to all your fake robot friends on that phone!"


Idk, he got into an argument in the Broad City comments that was somehow banworthy; I don't know what was actually said. The deleted comment I replied to here linked to an image of the letters "AVC" carved into an arm. So yeah.

I don't know. I guess they'd just make the film a "meditation on the nature of truth", or something weird like that.

I'm glad downvotes are no longer visible. I downvote people all the time now, without feeling the least bit bad about it.

Maybe the filmmakers are just crossing their fingers that some dramatic turn of events will transpire during Adnan's appeal.