Fatman, these comments really, really aren't helping your chances! Just make a new account! You'll lose your upvotes but you'll regain them in time.
Fatman, these comments really, really aren't helping your chances! Just make a new account! You'll lose your upvotes but you'll regain them in time.
Aw, Fatman's gone? I'll miss him. He upvoted me sometimes.
Good lord look at that man's neck
This is one of those jokes that would actually be funnier if it wasn't true.
I think that's a good assessment. Far superior to that borefest The Theory of Everything, at least.
Yeah, but Serial is a famous podcast, and podcasts are well within the scope of The AVC. And this is a story that's directly related to the podcast, not the murder itself.
Ugh can we please not turn this into the CNN comments sections, people?
All right, so I don't know crap about the facts about all this, but it's probably fair to guess that Chastain is the correct one here. That being said, using Academy Awards as statistics is pretty unconvincing, considering how unreliable the Academy is at who it gives its awards out to. Surely you can find better data…
I'm usually a sucker for Oscar bait but fuck how I hated that movie.
"He's standing right behind me, isn't he?" Actual line of dialogue from show, played completely straight
Jeez, we're on season five already? It feels like what's-his-name got run over by a car just a few months ago.
Is this guy one of those weirdos that refused to party the night bin Laden got killed?
"What happened to the ricin?!" "Somebody ate it."
Idris Elba would be pretty great, but wouldn't he be too old for the role by the time Daniel Craig retires? Personally, I'd like to hold onto Daniel Craig for as long as we can.
Oh no! Barnhouse has two upvotes!
Wait… Oliver Sava is a girl??
Upvoted for teaching me a new vocabulary word
Jeffrey Wright actually starred as MLK in the 2001 TV movie Boycott.
I just discovered that there's a button at the top of the page that swoops your page right down to the comments automatically, and I LOVE IT