Good Cop

Those are some interesting articles. But I still don't understand what exactly Iggy did to sound "ignorant" toward black culture. (Why exactly did Iggy need to be "educated" by Q-Tip?) Clearly, it's something she said a while ago, but the articles seem to assume that I already know how the feud began. The only

That's the impression I got, and it seems like that's less Iggy's fault and more the fault of the millions of Americans who purchase Iggy's songs instead of Azealia's. But of course, I know very little about this story.

From what I can tell, Banks and Anon are mad at Iggy because she didn't comment on the Eric Garner decision, which… what? This can't be right.

Okay, dumb question I'm gonna ask here because Google is just confusing me. Is the only reason everybody's mad at Iggy because she raps with a black-sounding accent? Because Anonymous's tweets make it seem like there's a lot more to it. Something about Eric Garner? What? Somebody help, and you'll get a free upvote.

Quvenzhané Wallis’ performance in Annie should effectively silence people who grumbled at the casting of a black child in a role traditionally performed by redheaded white girls.

Just some random policeman in New York.

"…the episodes have to be watchable. Increasingly, they are not." That sounds like a lot worse than a B-minus to me.

Then their plan worked on you.

The fact that Non-Stop almost made Ignatiy's list makes me love him even more. And Bravo, Jesse, for making the Muppets sequel your number three. Seriously.

Jeez, this just gets worse and worse for poor Sony. So much money and effort and talent thrown away for nothing (the fact that the movie itself apparently wasn't great is beside the matter). The worst part is the fact that the company doesn't even seem to have that much public support after all this. "The company with

Yeah, it makes sense to me. I don't think this implies that Rowling has any kind of "anti-Wiccan" viewpoint at all; that would be like saying Rowling is anti-atheist because her books have ghosts and an afterlife in it.

I love how AVC even thought it necessary to label this as "fairly competent" while still putting it in the "Great Job!" category.

Seventeen, I think?

I love that Citizenfour trailer. When a movie trailer has a twist ending, you know the actual movie is gonna be awesome. (After Earth excepted)

My favorite part about the second Hobbit movie was probably when that one old dwarf said something like, "Well, there it—The Desolation of Smaug!"

This list is fucking perfect. Whiplash should win everything ever. And I love that you snuck in scenes from Pompeii and Need for Speed.

Meh. Pretty flat. They should have autotuned it or something. And included "shimp" in some way.

Very true and very sad, though that fact makes me angry towards the legal system, not Mark Wahlberg specifically. I can't fault him for being the lucky one.

(The Daily Mail meets Trinh) "You blinded who in the what now?"

And Caitlin PenzeyMoog.