Good Cop

Didn't we already decide that Adam Driver is the guy with the crossguard lightsaber?

Yeah, how come it seems like everybody here (myself included, for the most part) seems to share the exact same political and social views? This isn't even a political website.

Keith Phipps only gave the movie two-and-a-half stars, but it's worth noting that he seems to have really liked the firstborn plaugue sequence. (He, too, is pretty cryptic about it.)

This movie had better be really damn good if it's going to the thing that causes nuclear annihilation.

Ah, very good point.

Damn, I was really hoping this was gonna be good. If they were gonna whitewash the whole thing, they should have at least made a decent movie out of it.

The Dark Knight?

It's so weird hearing "Senator Obama" again.

My first Pokémon game was Pokémon Gold. What a fabulous game. I obsessed with it for years. Six years, to be exact. Why six? Because it was after six years that the internal clock in the game cartridge—the clock that told the game whether to make it daytime or nighttime—ran out of battery, rendering the entire game

Wait, are we not excited about this? This looks like a breath of fresh air, to me.

Wow, I'm so glad I read this comment before watching the video. Thanks for saving me ten minutes.

I would not consider Transformers 4 to be viscerally entertaining in the slightest. (Well, except during the supermagnet-picks-up-buildings scene. That part was cool I guess.)

As long as we don't have to listen to Cathy ever again, I'm fine. Sheesh her voice is horrible. (yes I know it's not her real voice)

Somebody override Disqus and make this the top comment

I think they're still technically married by the end of the movie, but it's after Stephen moves out. So they do break up.

No, just like the first three.

This is the second comment in the YouTube video for this trailer, with 21 upvotes and counting:

And yet, here they are in the trailer, stormtroopers.

This movie is gonna be fucking awesome.

To be fair, Batman's "no guns" rule is idiotic anyway. At least keep one in case of emergency, man!