Good Cop

Wait, why is this spambot's username the name of Jessica Chastain's character from Interstellar?

I loved everything about the black hole up to and including the point where you're like OH HOLY SHIT HE'S BEHIND THE BOOKCASE! It was such a surreal roller coaster ride kind of scene, very reminiscent of the wormhole scene in Contact. But yeah, once he actually started doing stuff, it became tedious. While Coop was

Oh God. I'm so glad I quit IMDb. I think it was the Gravity message boards that finally sealed the deal.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a big ol' lump of meh and blah, but jeez, that ending. I can't remember the last time I've gotten so emotional while watching a movie. Manipulative and unearned and random, but hey, you can't say it didn't work on me.

SO GOOD. It's not groundbreaking or innovative or thematically rich at all, it's just a lot of fun. I basically feel the same way about The Winter Soldier.

(Edge of Tomorrow spoilers) Source Code's contrived happy ending reminds me of EoT's contrived happy ending a lot, except that the ending of EoT is satisfying and fun while the ending of Source Code is just confounding and nothing more. At least EoT gave a sort-of explanation for what happened. Source Code just

I'll probably end up watching it anyway. Even the worst V/H/S segments are dumb, non-scary fun when you watch it with a group. That is unless the segments commit the cardinal sin of just being dull, but I don't see how anything involving a "murderous magician" could be completely dull.

…Literally, me too. Okay. I feel a lot less dumb now.

That's Hayley Atwell, I think.

This is one of the comments on this video: "so in the real world do you think Dreams are the 5th demenssion ?"

I mostly liked it, but if the main gang of humans was even remotely interesting, I might have loved it. Also, not enough Gary Oldman.

Burst out laughing when Ronan grabbed Gamora's hand. That one was brilliant.

That "Tweets about Serial" chart is brilliant and accurate on every level.

In a way, I hope Cosby did rape those women, because if he didn't, I'd feel really bad for Cosby right now.

Pigpen looks like a monster. But apart from that, I'm loving it.

Wait…. what the fuck? It's Schulz?! This is just like the time I found out Roger Ebert's name wasn't actually Robert Egert.

Yeah, she definitely put up a solid performance, and overall, I still liked her character well enough.

I saw Interstellar in IMAX. Pretty friggin' good. If they had only cut out Anne Hathaway's horrendous monologue about love being a higher dimension of spacetime (and other related cheese), it might have been a damn near-masterpiece.

People often complain that the music took away from the suspense, and maybe this edition will prove them wrong. It'll be cool to watch without the sound, but have you ever watched that second debris sequence while on mute? Not even half as tense as it is with Steven Price's music.

Then you wouldn't get the sounds that vibrate through Bullock's and Clooney's suits (their voices, them pinballing into things, the tether making that fun "boing!" sound).