
I'm amazed that so many people criticized the iPad for having little more than a smartphone OS that was modified slightly for the bigger screen, and many of these same people are screaming their heads off (or at least don't know how to disable Caps Lock) about how this thing is going to kill the iPad, when the OS on

@gagefare333: The guy above you just stole your thunder! Let's go beat him up.

@blueTitanium: The touch screen on the Nook is actually pretty wonderful, in my opinion. I don't spend a whole lot of time annotating my books, so I haven't lost much by not having a solid keyboard. Instead, I've got all the various options I can manipulate right at my fingertips, and I don't have to disturb the page

@odeed: I thought that was what he meant, but it's kind of a stupid question to ask. I would think it was pretty damn clear that somebody else thought of creating the world's largest gummy worm by now; the article is about the world's largest gummy worm and the fact that it is in production.

@howdini: I would pay all kinds of money for a LEGO Baba Yaga set. That was my absolute favorite fairy tale when I was a kid.

@3dken: I don't understand the point you're trying to make; Apple's intentions for the content of the Mac App Store is irrelevant because you can find whatever you want on the internet without having to install extra software, like Cydia.

@DancinDatsyuk: Well, given the idea behind Cydia is so that you can install non-approved applications on iOS devices, and you can already do that on Mac without any added software, what's the point?

@griffeyjrrules: What's there to argue that hasn't been argued a million other times on this very website? On this very article?

@mattycakes: I see what you did there and I find it amusing.

@hcho321: I, personally, haven't had much need for the backlit keyboard on my Pro. I tend not to look at my keyboard much when I'm typing, so being able to see the keys in the dark is pretty much useless for me.

@thinkthis: The iPad battery lasts longer for usage (though not standby), so that point in the argument is invalid. The rest, though, I totally agree with. I would rather get the Air than an iPad.

@LoganR: Maybe you could buy some capital letters; it looks like right now you can only afford three.

@Teclys: The green one is not a "maximize" button like in Windows; it enlarges the window to a size "most suitable for viewing", but it often doesn't really do that very well.