
So you go on a date with a stranger without bothering to learn anything about him, then learn while on the date that he is interested in things that you aren't interested in, and you decide that you should then go online and bash him for everybody to read?

I see you don't verbs much, either.

@blum0108: Most of them are way out in the coumtryside.

@zepants: Fakest marshmallows I know of.

@Y2KGTP: And that's a good thing. The less USB-powered crap that is manufactured, the closer we come to world peace.

@ubaiddogar: Unfortunately, Google isn't in charge of what software version Android-powered phones run. That's up to the manufacturer, and was pretty much the sole reason that I didn't get an Android phone. I didn't want to get all excited over awesome updates like this, and then not actually get any of the

Is this ever going to come to the iPhone? I would love to share my bookmarks easily between my desktop computer and my phone, and the current Firefox Home doesn't really do it for me.

@PacJack360: This is what bothers me with Apple. The way they're limiting the use of their products in some vague attempt to keep users with their own services is just making me want to switch to another product.

@Moonshadow Kati aka Lady Locksmith: Tell her that she needs to keep her chin held up and her shoulders back. Nobody wants bad posture while they're running after ducks with nets. The two hipsters in the photo above are doing a dreadful job at this.

If Google Music includes an iPhone app that will sync my collection over-the-air between the web, my computer and my phone, then I'll uninstall iTunes without a second thought.

@tomsomething: OH MY GOD is that Santa? It's an Apple display, so it MUST be real!

An easier way to hack brains.

@k2kyo: It's not hard to sell more books than God, since God doesn't sell things.

@jchen1: Chuck Norris has a bear, too?! Man, this man just keeps getting awesomer and awesomer.

@The Squalor Also Rises: I read this and was about to heart you, and then I realized that I've already done so. So poo, I can't heart you again.

@spaghetti335: I have literally no idea what you're trying to say.

@BelleGadimu: I'm pretty sure that was a porn movie you watched, not real life.

Maybe this explains why Taco Bell's food is so awful. Honestly, that burrito they've advertised recently, with the Fritos shoved inside it, is one of the most frightening-looking foodstuffs I've seen. And that's the promotional picture, which is always at least twenty times better-looking than the stuff you actually