
@Lübnäh: has your moment of zen:: I honestly have no freaking idea. It's not quite trollpatrol-worthy, but it certainly isn't worth promotion, let alone a star.

@my_pen_is_nice: You're not one of those douchebags who holds their phone up to the mirror, pulls up the front of their shirt to show their abdominal muscles, flexes their free arm and puckers their shiny, glossed lips when they take self-portraits?

@RuckingFetard: And yes, I'm aware that your comment was a joke.

@RuckingFetard: When you speak, you hear the sound waves of your voice that reverberate through your body, rather than the sound waves that are projected away from your mouth. The sound that moves through your body ends up distorted, and sounds different than your actual voice. So when you, RuckingFetard, sing, you're

@Trai_Dep: I chuckled, mostly because of the Harry Potter reference.


@JacK Aisher: There are windows cursors throughout the whole freakin' video. This isn't running on an iPad, it's a simulation running on a PC.

@whatne1wuddo: I couldn't have said it better with audio.

@el_vato30066001: Did I, at any point, insinuate that everybody at Panera or Starbucks does nothing but tap away on Mac computers? Or did I imply that when one goes to a Panera or Starbucks one will inevitably see at least one party using a computer while simultaneously eating a pressed sandwich or sipping a caffe

@limitless.opportunity: Yeah, I mean, Macs are so obscure. I have totally never seen somebody tapping on a Mac while eating a pressed sandwich at Panera or sipping their caffe latté at Starbucks or anywhere else ever. I don't know how Apple is still in business.

@ndspanky13: That was what I read at first, too. It was confusing for about ten seconds.

@Steven Callas: I can go through the whole relationship with you, if you want. Right now!

@CharleStephen: It's not that it's news in that it's something new, but it's something that not many people are aware of, and is interesting.

@Nicholas Tehrani: Agreed; OneNote is a wonderful piece of software, and one of the only things I miss about the Windows ecosystem after switching to Mac.

@senshikaze: Because a lot of what Microsoft does is good, but it just gets lost amidst the bad. Microsoft Office is pretty much the best productivity suite available; ZunePass is a great system that would work better if it wasn't tied specifically to the Zune; KIN had a great cloud-based system, but was crippled by a

@Poxuz: You forgot White. Are you racist? 'Cause that sounded racist to me, you racist.

@Outrider: You're not playing with a virtual keyboard; it's a physical one that wirelessly connects to the DS.

@monkeybubble003: Ah. I have been informed that the article was edited. Never mind my assholery. Carry on.

@mehoff88: Yeah, it's just like a BLT, except that there's no bacon or lettuce.