
@bender123: Hey! We call them "Mobile Communities", thank you very much!

@comrade_leviathan: Apple never stopped making the 8GB Touch, they just didn't upgrade it. It's still the 2nd-Gen Touch, but it's cheaper than you can get it from Apple.

@king_saberhawk: I don't know why I was so obsessed with that thing when I was little; it's so creepy.

@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: I tried reading Atlas Shrugged a few months ago, but had to stop simply because it was so large. With all my schoolbooks, computer, and miscellaneous other things in my book bag, there was literally no room for Ms. Rand. What I read (about 1/10th of the whole thing) was really good, though, if a

@el_alien: Freud reads your post, and chuckles softly to himself.

@SNLabat: No no no, atheists have hairdryers. The guy in the video had a lightsaber. CLEARLY he was a Scientologist.

Thanks a lot, Gizmodo. I had been doing so well losing weight, and then you had to link to a website like that.

@shevralay: No, the basic version is still free of charge; I'm not ready to pony up the cost for Pro, although I may do so in the future.

@iDestroySteveJobsWithChocolate: I remember this story from Sunday School when I was seven. Esau was the big, burly, manly-man (who obviously didn't have enough brain cells to realize that his birthright was worth a bit more than the stewed lentils his brother made). It was JACOB who was the vaguely wimpy mama's boy,

@EBone: Wait...really?

This is...scary...

@Facebook: I think it's kind of a mix between the two.

@Rex555: Watercolors = 3-year-old with finger paints? Sure, she was no Matisse, but it's not like she was totally talentless.

@mrgibblechip: Hey! They weren't total failures! I mean, like, forty different people bought them!

@smackwell: I saw that, too, and was VERY confused for a moment until I realized they were talking about the color of the camera.