
@S1MPD1DDY: Only starred commenters can promote comments.

@ericesque: I've made it to the two fat cats. Then I mentally captioned the mental image with poorly-formed sentences, and I invented

@iamnotafish: *Urk* Lactose intolerance means I can't read milky words.

@Anne Boleyn: OMG! Anne! I haven't seen you in, like, 450 years!

@Michael Bauser: I think he means for storage, rather than for travel.

@jethro1138: My dog absolutely loves to go on walks. As long as the walk doesn't last for much longer than ten minutes. After that, he'll start whining and fussing and twisting his leash around my legs so I trip and fall, or he'll just lie down on the ground and refuse to move. I would pick him up, but he's a

@BluScrnOdeth: If you're not concerned with the size of the screen (as you clearly are not, if you're willing to read books from the itty-bitty 4-inch Evo) then you should just go with the regular Kindle, which is $190. Cheaper than the Evo up-front, and doesn't require a data plan.

@Gizfrodo: I think you just told Pedobear to go to the Apple store.

@BoscoH: Huzzah for bald-faced lies!

This reminds me of the website my mother is always showing me, www.zooborns.com. Every once in a while, I'll here somebody in my house go "Awwww, lookit the itty-bitty otter!" and then a moment later get called over because I *have* to look at the pictures of the elephant playing with its handlers.

@AlienSix: My own invention, the WillardPhone. Never heard of it?

@BeefSupreme: No no no, it's spelled "?uestlove". All the cool kids nowadays are replacing letters in their made-up names with punctuation.

Quick! Somebody tell ABC! The show "Pretty Little Liars" is just one big Kin product placement.

@KRayGolf: Holy crap, I remember reading those when I was little. Of course, by the time I was exposed to them, I'd already been reading for a while, and I wasn't all that impressed. But still, *nostalgia*.

@Formic12: Hasn't Hulu always been like that? The whole time I've used it, there are generally fewer than 5 episodes of a given show available at a time. The only exceptions are with certain older shows, which have the entire series, or when there's some special event on (like for LOST's final season, when all five

And I thought my $70 Apple keyboard was a splurge.

@FriarNurgle: Shh! The Apple MagicBoard was a secret!

@Nitemancometh: Man, I'm not getting that keyboard unless it has Gopher on it. Maybe the next A.L. keyboard, the Optimus Prime, will have it. And it'll transform into a semi.

@Mooby: One "World's Largest Dorito" comin' right up!