
@sbunny: I had a dog that would lick toads and get high; it was kind of freaky.

I moved to the Gulf coast a few days ago, and the oil is slowly starting to show up on the beaches here. It's really sad, seeing the little globules of crude washing up and sticking to animals and people, and knowing that it's only the beginning of something that will, unless miraculously stopped, completely destroy

@Lord_Data: Folders! OMG that's the only feature I actually wanted, anyway! Way better than stupid multitasking!

@Zeix: Wii Sports is free with the Wii, not Fit. And I'm pretty sure the package of 5 barely-more-than-mini-games was not the primary selling point for the Wii, it was the accessibility and the low cost (as compared to the other systems).

@Karasu-kun: I think she's done that, actually. Some sort of "avant-garde" performance, or something.

@LukeDukem: You like turtles? OMG! I like irrelevant comments! AWESOMESAUCE!

@Chris Richardson: I thought they were made from paper. It might have been cloth, I suppose, but I always thought it looked more like paper.

I may have to get the purple one, just for nostalgia's sake. My first gaming system was a purple GameBoy Color, and though I don't remember why on earth I wanted the purple one, but since there are so many old games being remade for this system, I may just go that route again.

@Troy Stockton: I read this article somewhere else yesterday (I don't remember where) but it said that most of the larger internet-based companies would be given adequate compensation for any disruption the TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF THE INTERNET would cause with their business.

@Fernando Jorge: For a second, I was gonna be like "Jeez, man, Kirby games aren't *all* that bad. Stop trolling."

@Chris Richardson: There aren't actually very many, and the "motif" (I think "theme" is the word you're looking for) is simply arts-and-crafts-and-junk, not just cloth and stitches. Sackboy is made out of, well, sackcloth, and there are a few places where stages would use something made out of cloth (or something

@0300078: Was...was that sarcasm?

@Boibi: It might work like many PC games work, where you have to use a license code in order to play the game. The code comes in the game box, and you just plug it in and go, and the code can only be used once (or more, depending on how generous the devs are with the licenses). I can see this working really well,

@Ryodestined: Well, it's expandable with the SD card slot, so even if the standard internal storage isn't that great, it's not a total loss.

There's not an option on here for using paid-but-cheaper (albeit Mac-only) alternatives, like iWork. I like the way iWork...er, works, and it's significantly less expensive than Office. I've had some issues with the file formats, when I send I file to someone without remembering to Save As a Microsoft format, but

@astrocramp: My guess is that, since the programs are built primarily for Mac computers, they simply didn't spend a whole lot of time working out the programs so they'll work as well on PCs. They just changed them up so that they would run, but didn't focus much on making them smooth and efficient.

@lostarchitect: I've used it on Windows, and I absolutely hated it on those machines; it took forever to load, and was slooooow to do anything. Now that I have a Mac, however, it actually works really quickly and easily.

@Orionsaint: You had me really confused there for a moment, before I realized you meant "seconds".