
“Imagine her as a faceless orifice, a sex doll to be used in your Christian ejaculatory efforts.”

What 26-year-old man other than a sexual abuser and/or rapist would be even remotely interested in a 14-year-old child? That’s something I will never understand.

These are amazing. I want. Of course, I would have to keep them behind my closet door and only open it every 20 minutes or so for very patient visitors.

And hark at him referring to a sexual partner as ‘damaged goods’ whereas he is nobly struggling with insecurities.

(the tagline of which is “Putting sweet D in the tender V since 2013”)

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

just want to say that I love this article, because yeah, I wouldn’t want to live in any time period other than this one, mostly because pre-1950 I would have died as a baby and my skeleton would have looked like this:

How cool!

Seriously when people want to imagine themselves in the past, they are always wealthy, or at least middle class. Try living in a 19th century slum, or being enslaved, or spinning cotton 18 hours a day, everyday, or having the police check your fingers for needle pricks to confirm you are a seamstress not a prostitute,

Now playing

People who love the Victorian era are so basic. This 1920’s lady is way cooler and more self-aware (click CC for English subs):

No, I think you’re just, you know, in touch with reality. There is no other time period that would be better to live in, for women at least. It’s like that Louis CK joke - white men can go to ANY time period and be like “Woo fun!” but it will suck tremendously for literally everyone else.

This woman bothers me so much. I studied the Victorian era extensively in school and she’s “living” in one very tiny aspect of it. Of COURSE she would choose to be a wealthy woman instead of dealing with the horrific poverty of the time. It’s myopic yet completely unsurprising.

It’s troubling that the most fledgling attempts towards reaching equal representation could seem, to anyone, like evidence that the still-dominant class of white men has already lost the upper hand.

Hollywood can’t even handle a mainstream movie star who is gay, because they’re well aware that half the audience in the US would still have a problem with that - let alone other, even less progressive parts of the world (like China), where insanely expensive blockbuster films need to make a lot of money, too.

We have

Or, the reverse of that, which is that actors with disabilities or developmental disorders are almost never cast to play a character who isn’t explicitly disabled.

What popped into my mind when I read this is disabled actors. Almost always, an able bodied actor is cast to portray a disabled actor. Only exception seems to be when an able bodied person cannot pass for a role, and those actors are almost always walk ons or supporting cast.

Pullman is not a large town, but Pullman’s PP serves not only the student bodies of two public universities (Washington State University in Pullman and the nearby University of Idaho in Moscow, ID), but also the a large swath of the rural Palouse region. I’d be hard-pressed to name a person I knew while attending WSU

I’m getting tired of hearing “abortion is only a small part of what Planned Parenthood does” and the classifying of which PP clinics provide abortions and which don’t. Even if Planned Parenthood was an industrial abortion factory that offered all abortions 24/7, it is still a legal procedure. It is still an important

Religion of Peace; my ass.