
I mean, it’s kind of hard to come up with fresh answers to the same question for the 500000000th time

Many years ago, I taught at a small boarding school. One of my students—I’ll call him “James”—was in sixth grade, and he was a difficult, petulant young man.

This is about my twin sister. First day of school, she was in second grade. A boy named Ricky started picking on her. Pulling at her hair, slapping, kicking and terrorizing her. She was scared but nobody did anything. The teacher just told Ricky to stop it but he continued. He was big and an asshole. He grabbed her

So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.

I used to teach elementary art in a really low-income school district near Denver. One student, Franklin, was a third-grader who was homeless and living in a car with his mother at the time. The district and social services were aware and helping as much as possible, but mom was hard to work with due to some ongoing

When I was in third grade I started school a week late because my family was in Europe. When I got back I thought all my friends would be excited to see me but instead I found out that someone had started a rumor I had died.

Man, I was sure the sex worker one would be a winner!

This always got me. High School me would look up to High School Hollywood and wonder WHEN would I (or any other classmate) ever look that hot.

See? The system works! Actresses just need to make all their money by 25, then use the rest of their lives to tell stories about the time they were young enough to be captured on film.

Ummm yeah you can definitely still be upset about it because it’s fucked up.

I will not judge someone for how they heal what others broke. She's not hurting anyone. I wish her well.

No. This is not the face of a man who reciprocates.

I’m growing more and more uncomfortable with the seemingly increasing progressive notion that people’s backgrounds must be fully delved into and punishment doled out for things they did years and years ago, retroactive, permanent punishment. It strikes me as so anti-liberal.

I’ve never quite known what to think of Tyler. Part of me thinks he is incredibly smart and a savvy businessman, and he reminds me a lot of the guys I hung out with in high school or a new wave Bam Margera. Part of me fucking HATES HIS SMUG FACE AND STUPID MUSIC because dear god...Tyler you may say that the shit on

“Like, y’all wasn’t trippin on that in 2011, or 2012, or 2013, or 2014, or half of 2015. But out of nowhere, the UK has a problem with me coming into their country?”

Good lord, great seats! You did it well with the shots!

I used to root for her pretty hard but this forced “I’m everyone’s bff” thing is driving me nuts. She’s 26, time to grow up. Not everyone has to like her and she doesn’t have to like everyone. It's so obviously fake and tired at this point.

Is anyone else sick of the hatred towards Kanye? The guy gets backlash anytime he states his opinion and I’m just so sick of it.

If Kanye’s job now is to just troll the shit out of Taylor Swift at every available opportunity then I am completely on-board.

But how can it NOT be about Taylor?!