
I rank them all number 1. Except from murder house, b/c I haven’t actually seen that season yet. I know, I’m a weirdo.

And he practically got away with it anyway, he managed to duck three counts of aggravated sexual assault. The little shit is crying that his rape wasn’t 100% consequence free, just 85% or so.

That’s what shocks the hell out of me. His friends said he admitted it. DNA/rape kit proves he did it. Victim says he did it. But he says he didn’t, so he must be the trustworthy party here. /s

In case anyone is wondering: THIS, THIS is why women don’t report rapes.

When four people testify in direct contradiction to what Owen Labrie claimed happened, DNA evidence existed and a physical exam came back consistent with rape and he still gets acquited of all the major charges, that shows you just how seriously America takes rape. For rich, white guys that is.

Dammit. That’ll teach all the other girls out there to keep their mouths shut when they get raped.

“Look at that face. We can’t convict him of anything serious. He’s not built for prison”

From the AP article:

he came from spain he had a thirst for knowledge

i feel like i usually dislike restrained people at first but then usually end up changing my opinion the more i get to know them

Now playing

Hmm. I remain skeptical. I do wanna see Eden though. It’s about the “birth of French electronic music” and it must be good because it’s Frrrrench.

Word. Byron was totally the Adam Levine Bro King of eighteen hundred and froze to death. Mary was all “more like eighteen hundred and bored to death.”

I am DYING for more female driven raunchy comedies. I’m SO sick of these bullshit romantic comedies and movies like Bridesmaids gave me hope that we were opening the door to films that relate to my life and my early 20s, as well as my current state of affairs.

Even though I haven’t read the script, the reviewer’s

See, that’s my plan. After high school, everyone takes a gap year before college or before trade school or apprenticeships or internships or whatever. And during this gap year, they wait tables, or bartend, or host. The results? Customers would be nicer, because they’d remember what it was like. Also, everyone would

Do these people think that’s a teaching moment? Like “oh, I’ll show you, server person, with this super unnecessary comment on the check”? Because all it teaches me, folks, is that the world would be better off if you were eaten by dragons.

It’s all part of this effort to make words normative. To tell language how it’s supposed to behave, instead of just observing it and reporting on it. This slang already had a definition, but instead of learning what it was, uneasy white folk needed to make a new one. To control words, lest words control us.

“Swearing or sex scenes don’t excite me because they don’t have emotional content.”