
His whole adult life has been a staged fucking event.

prediction: he will go on a record-low number of international trips, instead inviting foreign dignitaries to do state visits here (and stay at his hotel).

My greatest ire in this world is reserved for men I once had a crush on who revealed themselves to be inadequate, so I am SEETHING at Hiddles right now (and have been since the whole Swift nonsense). It’s like, here’s one of them I thought might be fine and I could safely daydream about and then no - they all

Note to self: become a hobbyist beekeeper so I can write memoir about the life lessons it taught me titled “Bitch, I might bee”

You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.

I can see where you’re coming from, but most adults do not have ride-or-die, all-important friendships. Friends are largely a matter of convenience and proximity. If you find one you can open up to about deeper issues in your life, that’s terrific, but it’s not standard.

I hate myself for feeling this way but I am really even more attracted to Andy Samberg when he’s dressed up as a douchey pop star.

Exactly. What are they supposed to do if they can't meet women at work? Go on one of the US's 2500 dating websites along with 10s of millions of other adults? Ask friends to set them up? Go to a singles bar/normal bar/speed dating/ kickball league/trivia night/soft ball league/ art and painting night/match maker/

As men line up to explain every time anyone suggests that attempting to seduce your female students or subordinates is inappropriate, there is literally nothing worse than asking a man to forego a potential opportunity to get his dick wet. War, genocide, sex slavery — these are mere trifles compared to the indignity

I have struggled with expressing this to young women — that the experience of A: Experiencing shocking sexist mistreatment B: Being informed that now you at the crossroads between a naive rube and a savvy member of our (literary, artistic, etc) in-crowd. If you respond to the sexism you experienced as offended and

OMG this! My threshold for contributing to class is that I thoroughly understand the material AND have something substantial AND novel to add. With guys, they seem to believe they’re blessing the proceedings with the sound of their inane, uninformed fucking voices.

After TAing more than a dozen classes, I wish I could say I was even a little bit surprised by this. Moderately prepared male students speak up more than the highest-achieving female students, and then other students assume they must know what they’re talking about or they wouldn’t volunteer so much. Exceptions

Why are all my cute normal dudes getting buff and bulky (looking at you, John and Chris Pratt)

This DOES all sound like a good way to live. For me personally, Satan can stay the hell out of it, but otherwise:

The Satanic Temple: Doing God’s Work!

This is reading really privilege-y to me. There are some who have the privilege of accidental pregnancies being okay, or even welcomed. If that’s you, then don’t get an IUD. No one is making women get IUDs if they don’t want them.

I seriously do not understand people that use the “pull out method”. That’s not a method. That’s having unprotected sex and hoping for the best.

This will never be more depressing than the time potato stood in for muffins and nobody noticed its time in the spotlight:

Well, he must be relieved that he can now ditch his “jury-friendly nerd” costume and return to his original “lax bro” look.

Good luck unseeing the resemblance.