Will Holz

It’s almost like he’s a hypocrite or something.

They actually have separate ones for younger kids!

This is such a great video. Everybody should be required to watch it before graduating past the 6th grade.

Great, a fundamentalist Christian extremist that the Russians probably have dirt on.


You should see the Jumping Spider crowd. They’re hilarious. I joined a group full of them because they were such delightful people, and they sure do love their little Octokittens.

Because Americans rightly hate it? About as far as Americans will go is mildly more redistribution and transfers.

Because most socialist policies are deeply unpopular and would result in massive electoral losses?

Our government is the worst MMO in the country, isn’t it?

Oops, I wrongly ranted at you, darn Kinja threads being hard to follow!

I wonder how many people got into weird arguments for that reason alone?

They were referring to the poster that claimed the dems didn’t stand and clap for the widow. Which was fake news. Why is that stupid?

Poor Microwave Barbie. How does she find the strength to soldier on like that?

Or a brain.

Well you are the worst

How many fights have you been in?

It’s almost like evidence indicates we suck at our particular form of democracy that gives our leaders the freedom to deceive people.

Fake news has infiltrated jalopnik. Can we get rid of this bias contributor?

Fuck you jalopnik. Keep your political views to yourself.