Will Holz

Uh, white people will come out of this administration far less scathed than folks of color. We’ve got to call them out on that.

Wow. Tomi Lahren is a real turd.

Are these good or bad? And is the good or badness based on what they do or say or on some other criteria?

We humans are REALLY bad at democracy.

Now playing

To me, suppose even that all these arguments are true, Israel has the most ability to “give”, and, should therefore give the most.

Well sarcasmed!

I cannot give you enough stars.

So what’s the argument FOR the settlements?

By the way, if you think this “constant ragging” on Donald Trump is fun, I assure you it is not. Please make it stop.

She added, “And besides, they couldn’t have cast an Asian actor in the Ancient One role because then they would have HAD to delve into problematic stereotypes.” That’s the part that I was criticizing.

You missed the bit where they got rid of the racial stereotype and added a delightful Asian character that didn’t die.

What the hell is wrong with that guy?

If I’m stuck with political solutions, I want a do-over.

Except those of us who weren’t really that interested in DOTA because it was all so heavily established are suddenly tempted.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Well done, sir!

*sees robot poop*