Turbineguy: Nom de Zoom

Traditionally, things are supposed to stay attached to cars as they drive down the road

Detachable Penis is a thing. Well, it’s a song anyway. 


So it’s going to be stupid fast - that’s great. When is the midcycle update going to happen? The one where they put some curves in and take out all the rakish & confusing lines and angles? Or will that be left to the aftermarket to design a (hopefully) decent looking body kit/rebody (with round tailights)?

That joke is now as old as in-dash 8-tracks.

So it’s really an Aurora GTO then? /s

There’s an indy shop in town by the airport that works on Land Rovers. I’ve noticed the parking lot is always full.

Came to see knobbies on a Gold Wing. Left disappointed.

If she must live near the ocean, does it have to be the Pacific? Real estate is quite affordable on the Indian Ocean, I’ve heard. 

I doubt there were many Camrys in the mix. They’re grounded to the ground.

When that bad boy hits 88mph, you’re gonna see some serious shit...

Have we learned nothing from John DeLorean?

I still think this abomination is just Musk punking everyone, and the real Cybertruck looks like a normal truck. 

A bunch of socially maladjusted rain-men pissing in each other’s Cheerios and throwing their egos around is not my idea of a refined intellectual hobby

I’ve heard this line used in politics.. Weird, huh? 

This strikes me as the kind of thing the tech bros at Apple get stiff over, but in reality it’s a Really Bad Idea. In the event of a screen malfunction, do you reach for the emergency hammer and smash the screen so you can see? 

Another unobtanium classic 911. Best part besides the noise is the flamethrower exhaust. 

That’s what I thought too, but a bunch of boats were out of position and were countering the boats on the opposite side. 

Where’s that Bugs Bunny gif when you need it? 

Beer is normally involved in all three.