
When they finally make an Anno Dracula movie or cable series they need to have them both appear and reference Dr. Nikola and all other manner of Victorian Era pulp baddies.

You can have the metaplot progress to new heights of failure.

Then why bother having a metaplot at all if it's just going to be an episode of the week show?

This show is in serious danger of becoming a typical sitcom where there is no overall development because the characters keep ending up in the same place. I thought the last season already experienced that when they got an actual office but sold it off just to return back to the incubator.

Maybe she'll see it in the pilot for season 3.

Whoa. Why use multiple Community comment threads instead of just the latest episode? Now that's dedication that Don Quixote would approve of.

How does this work, is this like the main thread of AV Club, do people just read and post on this thread every time they visit the website? Is this the only thread of this type?

I just finished this final episode of this final season, and I see that you guys are still deer-videoing this place (https://goo.gl/Wg1k3i)

The Chainsmokers also lack the pious Christian sincerity of Owl City.

Did anyone notice that Mao's right-hand henchman looks like Chris Pratt?

Embassy escapes appear as early as the late 90s

Given that the show runners include the writers of Children of Men…

Hell yeah. Netflix got Chappelle back for two specials, they can do anything. What a wonderful time for minimal message-oriented transport layers

If Yahoo! Screen can pick up Community from NBC, anything can happen. Netflix already picked up Arrested Development from FOX, and co-produced the third season of Black Mirror, picking up a show from SyFy is pretty analogous.

If SyFy fails, Netflix, which already owns the int'l distribution rights to this show, will likely purchase it and run it as their own. So your entire line of bashing would be rendered moot.

The scene happened pretty quickly and suddenly

Looks like the White Walkers found an even colder clime.

Sure, but then we need to adapt some Peter Watts series. The protomolocule is fairly standard so far as far as fictional aliens go. It's cool mostly because it reminds me of the Many from System Shock 2.

tbh, I think if we wanted to use breaking hard sci-fi rules as jumping the shark, the show jumped it at the end of ep one, with a mysterious, yet familiar, alien lifeform that's glowy and energy-based and likes to assimilate people. I think the show only jumps the shark if such an alien physics-breaking entity becomes