
To me, the previous two seasons were marked by big special effects penultimate episodes, and then all of the crazy plot twists happen in the finale. The previous finale was great. Everything else? I can't even remember, it was all so muddled and mediocre. I'm not sure which best episodes you're referring to prior to

Hype is partly to blame, but the lack of a defined road map now that the show's plot is beyond the books doesn't help either.

The problem is that GoT was once a great show with real intrigue and subtlety and has been mediocre for at least two seasons.

The first episode ends on a whole bit about sheep-fucking. Even the language gets gratuitous.


Yeah, but it's still not as good as previous seasons.

I am still amazed how he appeared to be a young clone of Jay Baruchel.

The guy who played the CTO on Amazon's short-lived show Betas was in this episode as the head of the tactical team. There should be a Betas-Silicon Valley crossover continuity.

I guess I just felt like there wasn't much moral complexity to Captain America because like with Superman, the Cap is meant to be the most squarest, straight-arrow, morally simple flagship hero. And I knew that the conceit of his character is that he was a scrawny guy who was given serum to become superhuman. And WWII

I found the first Captain America was a very forgettable movie besides the period aesthetics. How was it deep at all?

28 Days Later has action though

Great article, a celebration of what made The Bourne Identity great (even without mentioning Clive Owen, or the plot being about dealing with the blowback of adventurist American foreign policy). But holy shit does the coda miss out another crucial film of 2002: 28 Days Later singlehandedly revived the zombie movie,

He could have ended up like Jake Lloyd - "fat but unhappy."

What happened to traditional American names, like Nevaeh.

The plot finally moved, and for that alone it deserves praise.

Hardly anyone anymore remembers that movie

I didn't read all of this but are you saying it's like Tropic Thunder

Marvel also probably could have made a Shang-Chi show first, since the Iron Fist one seems to be not doing well even besides the race controversy.

#3 pretty much solves most of the problems, now that I think about it. You can even take it further and subvert the trope of white savior by having Smith be the sidekick (Big Trouble in Little China style) who assists the hero but isn't good at being the hero.