
Too soon?

I mean, she was married to one.

"little Eugene O’Neill vignette is meant to further disarm us as a set-up for Jar Jar’s unmasking as something far more sinister than a street clown"

He's male Cersei without the style or gravity. Which makes him interestingly petty as a villain who has humanity's fate in his pocket.

Politically speaking, Rowling might be on the anti-Trump side, but all the anti-Corbyn sniping and billionaire liberal privilege from her is galling. Great Britain's very own Aaron Sorkin. At least PM PM would be good for a laugh, and inert, not unlike Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary becoming leader of Canada. Sometimes,

Ah, PM PM would be Trump's Poodle then.

I don't know anything about Piers Morgan's political views, and despite his friendship to Trump he probably isn't even a Tory, much less UKIP. But I do know that as a social media celebrity, J.K. Rowling is irritating enough that I hope Morgan becomes Prime Minister just to annoy her.

Springer has actual government experience and knows how people behave. He'd be a Franken-tier level of celebrity politician.

They just decided every type of Troop is a Marine

Glad that A.V. Club is covering this again now. Disappointed in the lack of a review for the season premiere. There was so much going on in the first 2 episodes! It was like a penultimate episode of a Game of Thrones season. Curious what rating it would have gotten.

I still think that between his unique evil and magnet-induced psychopathy/sociopathy, Dresden was probably going to send them on a wild goose chase against the wrong culprits.

But he was a lawyer on The League!

I thought he was the coward who assassinated Jesse James

I haven't watched Caprica, how did it play out in that one?

Judging by Mr. Theil's appearance, he's either Carl Diggler or Ken M.

Craig is played by Joe Dinicol, star of the short-lived Amazon show Betas, which had the premise of Silicon Valley, except with a younger cast, more annoying characters, and a setting in San Francisco instead of the valley proper. But I will always remember him as the clone of Jay Baruchel.

I actually didn't notice them, since most of the action in the film moved too fast for me to track (I mostly dig the static visual style of the costumes and some of the set design). If they manage to release a better cut, I am willing to give it a chance for a rewatch.

Fair enough, the movie did have too much wandering around dark/burnt-out city streets and fighting mud monsters, which did drab the film. Some of the character costumes helped to counteract that by providing a contrast, but yeah it wasn't fully consistent.

My problem with Bucky is the entire character design. He looks like a 90s goth-emo teen vampire. He's like the second Prince of Persia: Sands of Time game, where they went for grittiness by plastering nu-metal onto the soundtrack and making the protagonist look like he just crawled out of a murky dumpster.