
Winter Soldier is terribly overrated because as well made as it was, it was basically your stock "American federal intelligence leviathan turns on its own operatives" spy movie plot shoehorned into the Marvel universe. I mean, it wasn't bad but I don't get why everyone thinks it's so great.

Suicide Squad was not a good movie, but among its flaws, *not* having "a propulsive and neon-accented sense of style" was not one of them. It was way too manically fast, but one of the ways it bests Marvel films is that its visual design and color palette was really compelling, and is one of the things that redeems

At least it's not another freaking superhero film.

If this was a remake of the Ten Commandments it would be pertinent to point out that the workers who built the pyramids were professional craftsmen who were well-compensated.

At least it's a modern swords-and-sandals movie that doesn't involve Greco-Roman gods + isn't Pompeii.

Oh man, they should totally do that. The Rock getting into comic book superhero films would be a game-changer.

The Verge called the Grimes track ("…trap-punk?"), which makes me hope there will be more like it coming out.

If WB doubles-down on this franchise by making sequels that are actually good, Suicide Squad could be the Fast and the Furious of superhero movies.

"Sucker for Pain" - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa and Imagine Dragons with Logic, Ty Dolla $ign, X Ambassadors

The final sequence in this movie reminded me of a scene near the end of "Like Water For Chocolate."

It was like Jimmy Neutron-levels of CGI. Which I don't really mind, their design was okay, it had a neat early-00s retro look.

"the conflict apparently would be over if the Jews and the Palestinians would just have gay sex with each other"

It can be poker with a laser badminton round.

It seems like that would be a society who clearly sees the ugliness involved in violence and criminality, and rightfully shuns it. Instead of turning it into something to eat popcorn to, for fun. Such a society would be a better one than ours, indeed.

You mean, Drive is accessible, and the other two are not.

You ever watch Rambo III?

I thought a U.S. government employee consorting with dangerous criminals in order to fight a phantom superpower, only then to create a worse threat, was pretty true to life.

Except Far Cry 2. It was fun in game but not fun in tone.

Her being the equivalent to Sam Jackson Nick Fury would be so good. I hope it happens.

"I don't understand how we can be looking at the same thing and have vastly different opinions."