
Wasn't Batman Forever one of the last Jim Carrey comedy movies besides, like, The Yes Man? How could anyone forget his performance?!? Danny DeVito as the Penguin, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze, and Jim Carrey as the Riddler: those are the Batman movie performances people will remember one day.

I don't have any emotional investment to Lex Luthor, so honestly I liked Eisenberg's performance. It gave a bombastic flair to a pathetic villain. Okay, sure, Luthor isn't supposed to pathetic, you say. But it seems oddly true to life to what a modern day billionaire big bad would be like. Peter Thiel is more

what the fuck. Margot Robbie did a fantastic job as Harley Quinn, despite having to put up with an oversexualized costume. And Viola Davis was really good as Amanda Waller, probably the most interesting comic book character to have been brought to the big screen in a while. The movie was bad but there were some spots

The youth today don't listen to the White Stripes. This music is for '90s kids who remember the garage rock revival from high school.

Green Lantern seems sorta too cosmic to have in a first installment film, especially without his own movie to set him up.

Gary from Alphas was autistic, and he was one of the best superheroes ever

As per my rely to the other comment, the one prejudice he seems to abstain from is anti-Semitism, it's really interesting that he has such a conspiracy theorist following when so many of them rail against Zionist plots, while he's fairly pro-Israel.

It's interesting that since he's a devout Christian, of a sort, he's also pretty pro-Israel. Usually conspiracy theorists fall into the hole of anti-Zionism, and then anti-Semitism, but not him apparently.

While there's undoubtedly significant overlap between Alex Jones' conspiracy theorist base and the alt-right, I don't think AJ is into the sort of overtly racist and inflammatory memes the latter is. Does he actually say "cuck" on his show? His whole shtick predates all of that, today's /pol/ trolls weren't even born

Well, it's either that, or a corporate power play for the sake of profits.

As a non-bookreader, it certainly appears to me that it will not endear Amos to Miller…

Yeah, but what I'm suggesting is to just leave Iron Man off the table for a while. Don't just sideline Tony Stark, don't have Iron Man in the continuity at all (for a while). Promote a new hero to occupy his role. This isn't even about the diversity of races/genders aspect- we need some diverse ideas, dammit.

At some point, wouldn't it easier to simply have a new hero entirely? Just get rid of Iron Man for a while and have this new character with a separate identity essentially occupy his role within the universe (make her power-suited, an Avenger, pro-registration, alcoholic, w/e it means to be Iron Man these days). I'm

Too bad? Limp Bizkit was gone by 2004, or it would have also been contemporaneous with the West of times.

The one song you'll remember is KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN, as it is REPEITITIVE AS FUCK

Strong praise coming from a major general of the Union.

I mean, they were pretty humorless, but their music wasn't screamy, so I would at least rate them higher than other vowel-deficient band from that era, Trapt.

What I always want to talk about is what happened to the "rock's saviors" acts of the post-punk garage rock revival ("the" bands), since they banished Nu-metal, brought indie to the mainstream, and then kinda disappeared. Hopefully the imminent new the Strokes album will bring that up F.O.C.

If Linkin Park only made "It's Goin' Down" with the X-Ecutioners and Static-X, their existence would have been justified.

He needs to get his collaborators together and make a second Fort Minor album.