
I'm gay, but I'm not a gaylord

What would you define as indie pop? Vampire Weekend? Who else?

The canonical answer is that the Strokes, the White Stripes, the Hives, and the Vines killed off nu-metal with garage rock revival. Kings of Leon and Interpol helped, too. Then somehow a bunch of fun dance rock/post-punk groups also showed up, many from the U.K. I assume it's because all of these bands made rock fun

They were the cool indie wave of music that weren't garage rock revivalists ("the" bands). There might be another tendency in indie/alt-rock at that time besides dancey-rock and garage rock (whatever Interpol was?), but besides them all I can remember of music at the time was The College Dropout.

Good stuff but where's Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, Maximo Park? Say what you want to about indie landfill and angular guitars, they were plenty danceable.

Dinesh singing karaoke as the end of this episode made me think of the ending to Only God Forgives, so I'm okay with that.

The Star Wars prequels vs. classic trilogy proved that.

The Farell name beckons. Cousin Will bids him to embrace destiny! The Farrelly's send him a script!

The strength of an anthology-based series that has a different story and cast every season is that it allows the potential of infinite reinvention. They could bring in a better director, setting, editors, and a different cast for season 3.

Yeah, Marvel suffers from bloat (first installment stuff like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man aside). Also they have an infuriating tendency to inflate the stakes with every sequel until you just get numb to the CGI destruction. That's why Civil War had such an unexpectedly satisfying ending. On the other hand, it

Nathan Drake also has as many deaths on his hands as James Bond does, so that's a little more violent than what this article is going for.

I bet they're going to get in trouble for preemptively disbanding the company, in the sense of breaking the lease they just signed, firing all of the employees, selling the stuff.

At least it seems like the hard drive was just a duplicate of their work (which was presumably backed up to some remote repo somewhere), and could be safely destroyed. It would be stupid beyond all measure if that was their only copy of the Pied Piper platform.

And now you know why I think The Amber Spyglass is dumb as hell and Philip Pullman copped out when he tried to kill God.

That's way too appealing and continuity-respecting of an idea, which means the show will probably never think of it.

Thanks, NAFTA.

I'm really hoping that the next episode will be an adapted version of the fan episode that Blake Ross, founder of Mozilla, wrote:

Okay maybe they did kill it BUT they're still trying to betray the Boltons because doing any act in GoT, even a good one, requires a great price.

Just because Shaggydog is dead doesn't mean the Umbers did it. Maybe he just got sick, and they used his remains for political purposes.

It's okay, first slake your disappointment with the upcoming Warcraft movie.