
The problem is that Assassin's Creed, at its core, is a mediocre conspiracy theory universe at best. Only *two* feuding conspiracies that's behind every plot since the beginning of history? Ho-hum. That's like Dan Brown level of interestingness.

It's a fine idea for people who want double features. Or for people who go to the theater, say "fuck it, the line's too long for Star Wars", and pop into an alternative show instead.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Sands of Time?

I think it'll be better than that one, but on a superficial level what you just said can also be said about the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time movie, which had good actors and production values and style that resembled the games but was not a good film.

I guess this is why Pepper left him. He's no good with children.

Iron America would be a great name for a superhero. Captain Man, not so much.

With references to some sort of Phantom Stranger/Swamp-Thing/eldritch supernatural unknown conflict happening even further in the background, too.

Astro City: Confession essentially handled the entire superhumans Registration Act *as a background plot line*, and did it in a more believable way than Marvel did. In fact, looking back, Confession is basically like an extended Black Panther (Batman) origin story, with Civil War folded in as a secondary plot. That's

I'm digging how Silicon Valley has more brutal and emotional twists than Game of Thrones now.

It's working out for the Fast and the Furious franchise.

Why do we have to think of it in terms of a trilogy? Captain America can just be a franchise with an indefinite number of episodes. Like a Republic serial hero.

It was distinct in that it was straightforward and as clearcut and plain-spoken as a Texan mom's apple pie during a baseball game on the Fourth for July. That said, it was squarishly predictable. All of this serves the character of Captain America well. They should make a Superman movie in the same way.

It was a nice contrast to the similarly snowy ending of Watchmen.

I'm really, really hoping that Marvel will make a Thunderbolts movie in response to Suicide Squad 2 beating the overstuffed Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in 2019.

I’m sorry but Hawkeye and Black Widow are not first-tier. He would go find, hello, Spider-Man? Spider-Man exists in that universe. He would go find Moon Knight; he would go find Daredevil; he would go find Hercules, and then that can bring in the entire pantheon of Greek gods that we saw in Clash and Wrath of the

I always thought Action Jack is supposed to be Eric Schmidt, the "adult" who babysits the kid geniuses. How did Schmidt handle innovation under his reign?

They really need to bring Carla back.

It's literally reverse-Entourage because it's set in NorCal and centers around nerds who are always under threat.

Sometimes you punch up, and sometimes you punch low.

This episode, with Jack hiring salespeople before a product even exists, has Lyons' fingerprints all over it. He critiqued Hubspot for essentially doing the same thing.