
Ummm, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman was the best thing about BvS.

Guardians of the Galaxy was more fun than Avengers 2, and Deadpool and Ant-Men were more interesting than the umpteenth Thor or Iron Man or Captain America sequel, so people watching Marvel movies knew that.

It wasn't the entirety of Congress, it was just a Congressional hearing with like four or five reps, tops.

I'm actually assuming she's a robot, like in Young Justice.

Christopher Nolan wrote the first season of True Detective?

I think his demeanor was a parody of tech company executives which, to some extent, is true and is an archetype that predates the obvious target and could go all of the way back to Jobs' temper tantrums and Gates' geeky awkwardness. They didn't push LexCorp being a Silicon Valley tech company too much, besides the…

People might hate his character, actor, and performance, but Zuckerberg Luthor made plenty jokes. Plus, he really lightened the mood. People who hate him just hate change and are overly attached to the original characters.

Yes, but he still has to be played by Shaq.

Actually, I've been hating on the Marvel empire ever since Age of Ultron, thank you very much.

Snyder can make a good shot, even though Robert Rodriguez pioneered the "slavishly rendering the original art onto the screen panel by scene" thing with Sin City first.

Well, I'm as equally sick of both of them. Snyder's misogynist juvenile bro overhatedness matches Whedon's "male feminist ally" weenie overratedness combine together into one steaming bowl of suck.

Given that DC/Warner Bros. hasn't done a lot to cultivate their crop of superhero film directors…

Maybe it's an A-Team thing and those guys scrambled out of the crash with minor burns and scrapes.

I hear you, but we're only a little bit past the tip of the iceberg. Not gonna be satisfied until Kingdom Come.

It's a clever way to preempt the next Punisher movie, no doubt.

*posting a month after Deadpool broke box office records*

"No, son, you murdered yourself. I just carried the bullet a while."

Whatever. I just want comic book movies to get so mainstream that it becomes a genre where lesser known adaptations get made. I want to see my Astro City: Confession movie, dammit. Or a DMZ miniseries. Or at least another Hellboy sequel.

Watterson was a cartoonist who drew comic strips! Not even the same medium!

Batman is kinda puffery: the hero, though.