
Zack Snyder is to DC what Joss Whedon is to Marvel; polar opposites, yet pretentious auteurs who are flawed in ways that perfectly sum up the errors of their respective studios.

It feels like it would be impossible to film as a movie. It'd pace worse than Watchmen did.

So that whole dance sequence- are musicals like Grease accurate? People were just perfectly choreographed and singing and dancing all the time back in the '60s?

In a surprise twist, Al is revealed to never have served in Vietnam, but was the bowling buddy of Walter.

What if instead of murdering the guy, you just punch him in the face or slash his tires or something to make him really upset, and unable to be involved in a conspiracy to assassinate the American president? Unless, doing that action made him *so* upset that it motivates him to kill the president. Then you know you're

It's because he's seen Hot Tub Time Machine.

Maybe show Epping's having hallucinations that cause him to back away from doing actions that he shouldn't be. The cockroaches seemed overtly supernatural, and if they didn't interact with anyone else in the past, maybe it's all in his head.

Is a show created by two Asian Americans, with an Asian American as the lead, and with episodes specifically about Asian Americans, required to also feature writers for every other ethnicity and Hollywood-marginalized group?

There's a lot of dismissing going on in these comments, but honestly we are getting to the point where amateur writers are good enough while professional films are awful enough that some fanfics are probably good enough to be the real thing.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

The whole point of why he called it a "black virus movie" is because he's subtly accusing Hollywood of writing off films as "for black people" when it's brought up that there are three black people in leading roles in that movie.

We mostly see Sand People using those wooden sticks, so they're probably not big into blasters.

I don't understand that analogy, except all of it is evil and bad.

Nah, more of a bumbling villain than an asshole. Or maybe doddering is the right descriptor.

At least they gave out autographs.

He was the titular character in I, Robot.

Two Asian dudes, one of whom is Donnie Yen?! Fuck all haters. This is great casting right here.

Truly he is the Sean Parker of a fictional early '80s computer revolution.

Nah, season one had just about the same amount of "contrived drama for the sake of drama." This season doesn't outdo it quite as much (Joe getting beaten up by Texan cops for no reason? Cardiff runs out of money so they literally hack into banks to get money and Bosworth goes to jail? Gordon and Donna getting

Hopefully if they do a third season they'll do a refocus again on two different secondary characters in a different setting. Yo-Yo poaches Lev and they fly to Japan to work for Nintendo? Wonderboy can come too.