
Maybe somehow they'll redirect Hooli's suit against them to EndFrame in some sort of epic switcheroo.

That's right, this vision can only be realized on the big screen. Marvel Studios is targeting the adaptation for Phase Fourteen, coming to theaters summer 2032.

And naturally it was all downhill from there.

Maybe they'll bring out STRONG BELWAS

Did the SCP Foundation make the winning bid?

I also like the worst thing he did happened offscreen. His awfulness knows no bounds.

This episode just seemed to lack the urgency that drove the past few episodes of this season. The problem with having a really great mytharc is that monster of the week episodes seem weaker.

I have very mixed feelings about having Asian American actors play hapa characters, and vice versa. Given the underrepresentation of AA actors in media, it seems problematic, somehow.

Most Asian American have very white sounding first names. But him having a white sounding last name is weird.

isn't Fresh Off The Boat a show

It's completely insane, given that Hispanics are the biggest minority in the U.S., and that they will be a political and economic force for decades to come. Think about who you can get to buy your stuff, soulless corporations.

Aziz Ansari doesn't do stereotypes. You're thinking of Ken Jeong.

We've got an arachnid over here!

You would too if you had a robot butler that catered to your every whim.

I almost wonder if they should start showing extended cuts as limited runs, instead of saving it for the DVDs. Give people the chance to customize their experience at the theater.

Alpha Flight!

Thunderbolts: Justice, like Lightning!

Fine, then I hope Marvel takes that money and invests in a lot of fun experimental films for lesser-known works, like I just mentioned. Micronauts! Black Panther! Power Man and Iron Fist!

Please let this be the Marvel Studios Empire's first stumble, leading them to abandon epic fatigue. Just make a bunch of Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy fun genre flicks instead.

It's good advice to be sleezy as hell like many other startups are, but that isn't what Richard would want to do with Pied Piper. Also, regardless of how good any of his advice is, Hanneman doesn't seem to be making a lot of money from it.