
More work for Annet Mahendru, or would it typecast her too much?

Only the Hives remain. The Hives will always remain.

I want to find that specific clip with the Dutch becoming a superpower. All I could find is the second video in the link, which has Western Europe being divided between the Muslim Brotherhood (apparently having better luck than in Egypt) and Nazi-influenced states, with Russia waiting to swoop in.

Get the guys who made Sleeping Dogs to do a spiritual sequel.

I want to play a video game set in Children of Men. But not Last of Us, no more zombies please.

I've always hated Bioshock: Infinite.


Spoiler: this season resigns Sherlock to an ancillary character, because its main star is Spring-heeled Jack.

The effete man trying out for the team with a song and dance was done much, much better inBring It On, thanks.
Arrested Development season 4?

Fun fact: Mercury, is actually not a bad idea for colonization and may actually be as good a target as Mars, if not better:

Game of Thrones.

Was he legitimately fired, or was it all a complex ploy by Harmon and NBC to boost ratings? The world may never know…

I meant in terms of great range and diversity

Blood War.

"Hong Kong’s Johnnie To is one of a handful of living filmmakers capable of working in any genre—from frothy romantic comedies to dead-serious crime epics—while maintaining a complete consistency of theme and style."
Ang Lee?

He's going to be Joel McHale's replacement.

Eminem would have been amazing in this role.

Maybe they should've just gotten that Southern lady from Oblivion.

They probably already have as a trilogy of novelizations.

Nightcrawler wasn't angsty. Even in X-Men 2 he was religious yet jovial.