
You're thinking of the episode where Krusty becomes George Carlin- that one also had the Canyonero.

You're thinking of the episode where Krusty becomes George Carlin- that one also had the Canyonero.

I was going to say that it was the best portrayal of religion on network TV.  ¯\(°_o)/¯

To the people in this thread: You know what? Who the fuck cares about continuity? At least from an out
of the universe discussion standpoint. If you're going to debate Star
Wars against Star Trek, or who Jon Snow's mom was, or something like
that, you do it from within the context of the fandom. Works of fiction

The same point as The Dark Knight Returns and V for Vendetta: man, the '80s really sucked, didn't they?

The most lovable of doofuses.

And that's why Zack Snyder is the most tragic hero in Hollywood.

All of the people who clamored for a gritty HBO miniseries would like to disagree with you.

Nah, he probably loves what he thinks is Moore's intent, but being Zack Snyder, he has no idea what the actual intent is.

I hope Alan Moore one day watches Watchmen and expresses his opinions on it. Say what you want about that the quality of it, Zack Snyder really really loves the source material.

It bothers me but apparently they do have more scenes but were taken out for film length. Director's Cut, here we come!

The movie was similar to the anime series Rahxephon (which itself is incredibly similar to Neon Genesis Evangelion) in that the monsters were not space aliens but extradimensional invaders, and that they bleed blue.

He wrote all the scripts.

It'll be a matter of time before their jobs will be outsourced to unmanned drones, just like in my Japanese tactical espionage action games.

DJ Khaled needs to be in the video ceaselessly shouting "We the best!"

In his house at R'lyeh, dread Cthulhu waits posting.

@avclub-0527c4449619569cd565d724216aea04:disqus Kickstarter's resolution to that terrible seduction manual?

I Am Legend 2: Legendary: Wait For It Dary

Ishmael literally shows up in the comics as a member of Nemo's crew. It's a brief scene, but he does get to say "Call me Ishmael."