
You have to credit how worshipful Zack Snyder is of the source material, even if you argue that he completely doesn't understand it. It is an adaptation that both succeeds and fails because the adaptor genuinely loves the source.

Check out Machuca. Chileans, like all Latin Americans, have a wide variety of skin colors and physical features.

Actually, they triumphed in The Last Airbender.

That's true, but it's also possible GRRM is just being diplomatic towards the showrunners. Detractors of this decision keep on quoting passages from the book where Oberyn and the Martells in general (not all Dornishmen, but specifically the family) are described as olive skinned with dark features.

I'm satirizing both the Tumblr/Twitter firestorm histrionics in response to the casting, and the pathetic inability for American showrunners to give larger roles to more people of color, in sad resignation.

They whitewashed the Dornish guy, racebending is bad, Tumblr social justice, etc.

I guess PRISM was just viral marketing for this album gone horribly awry.

Are you confusing his wife with J.Lo?


*Charlie Sheen does a spit-take*

So he's like the George R. R. Martin of comics? Sorry, graphic novels.

Damon Lindelof?


It's not as good as Anno Dracula, that's for sure.

The problem is that if it's any good FOX will cancel it within a season.

Well, since he didn't get the Red Viper gig, will Naveen Andrews be casted as Captain Nemo?

That's the beauty of this country.

After watching the movie, just give twice the money to whatever group is opposed to his cause. There, I just solved your ethical dilemma. You're welcome.

He'd throw in a bunch of dirty jokes. He'd be a bigger fan of Game of Thrones.

Bossk was the lizard guy.