
I finished Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. I don't know, it's certainly well written, somewhat entertaining, and the Judge is an interesting figure, but I don't really see what all the fuss is about.
Now I'm reading a biography on Mirabeau (the revolutionary). So far, the book isn't that good, even though the subject

By the way, the article says: "the three eldest Sand Snakes dead" - does this mean there are even more of them?

I completely agree on Hail Caesar.

I thought it was nice to show something a different from your usual sex scene on tv. Also, these two are very hot.
And to think that this show (tits and dragons on HBO) wouldn't waste time on nudity (or violence or unnecessary guest appearences) and instead solely focus on important characters and plot developments

I feel like in past seasons (and also in the books) a lot of time was spent with people walking or riding to places far away, with some of them never even arriving and a lot of them moving forward very slowly. Now, however, everyone just travels at whatever pace serves the plot.

Actually, Hitler was Austrian until 1925 when he became stateless so that he couldn't get deported back to Austria after his failed putsch. He remained stateless until 1932. Just in time for the presidential election of 1932, he became a German citizen with the help of the state of Brunswick that was already governed

Yeah, this show's been going downhill since season 3.

"Their fight with Euron could have gone either way" - I strongly disagree. The Sand Snakes were totally expendable, whereas Euron needed to be built up to a credible threat to Dany/Tyrion, so it was obvious who would win.
"their trash talk and bullwhip will be missed" - first, I don't think so. Second, their little

Probably some, but as Hungary proves, the EU isn't that good when it comes to disciplining members who are destroying democracy.

I've been listening to some Rage against the Machine and watching Community for the first time, which is quite nice so far.

I don't think that was possible. Germany didn't even come that close to conquering Britain.
If anyone's looking for fiction with an alternative history where the Nazis won, I recommend the novel Fatherland by Robert Harris. Great stuff!

You forgot the Umlaut.
There's still a lot of discussion that the Germans didn't really do an exemplary job (at least until 68 or so). They rather tried to ignore what happened and wanted to get on with their lives.
Some examples: Hans Globke, who co-wrote the Nuremberg Laws, was something like Adenauer's (first

Saying that "Key is […] killing it at essentially everything he does these days" doesn't work when the next sentence is "There to promote his new Netflix series Friends from College" because that show is not good. Key plays the main character, and I'd say he's not good in it, certainly not "killing it".

With all that damn snow around, everything looks the same, so cut them some slack! I wouldn't know where South was either. Plus, they are all really old, and who has ever heard of fast zombies?

In my book, that would make Euron and Cersei likeable.
But seriously, I think it depends on how much Euron gets to do. If they take some time with him, he might first capture a Sand Snake (or a Martell - don't how many of them are still around) to proof to the audience that he is actually capable and dangerous, and

I think there has to be some obstacle to Dany and at this point, Euron is the only one to fulfill that role, so I doubt he'd die in such a stupid way. In the books, Euron has a horn that he says can control a dragon (Michael Thompson says so below), so he might pose a real threat.

Didn't Euron own a mysterious horn in the books? What was that for again? Has it ever been mentioned or shown in the show?

Maybe everybody took off because they saw a giant armada coming?

I've watched 5 and a half episodes just to avoid the work I'm supposed to do and I didn't really like the show.
Are these characters supposed to be unlikeable? It seems like a bad sign if you agree with the outsider (Billy Eichner's character) who points out that they are assholes. Making them rich doesn't help to