That seems like something totally different. I'm really not into that superhero/comic book stuff and have never seen or read anything from the X-Men.
That seems like something totally different. I'm really not into that superhero/comic book stuff and have never seen or read anything from the X-Men.
I've been watching Parks and Rec for the first time in the last weeks or so and just now finished. It's a very nice show, a pleasure to watch. I think I'm gonna rewatch Arrested Development next.
There was also a Canadian Trump in season 19 who totally fucked up the country and then was fucked to death by Mr Garrison.
I'd like to participate in one game of True American from New Girl.
More of Ahsoka is always welcome. I'd also like to see Ventress.
It sure seemed like his story is made up or at least exaggerated. He didn't want them to talk to the guy he saved.
Deadwood and The Sopranos are both great drama series.
I finally read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (had it laying around for a while) because I needed a break from Bruno Latour's Reassembling the Social. I didn't really like it. All that time traveling did nothing for me. I liked the Malfoys, but making Voldemort's daughter the villian seems pretty unimaginative to…
She wasn't that likeable at the beginning, if I remember correctly. But then she had to deal with the two worst monsters of the show (so far, appearently), next to which everyone looks sympathetic.
I liked him even more after I saw this tweet:…
I've been watching The Wire for the last week or so and I'm in the middle of season 5 now. It's a great show. Seems so realistic.
Did you read The Ghost? The ending (not talking about the twist here) is fantastic, but hard to do in a movie. I love Harris, if I had to pick one novel as my favourite, it'd probably be Imperium.
Conclave was good to me, but I think Harris can do better.
I had seen the Watership Down movie as a little kid and I remember that experience as shocking and horrifying. No idea why my parents let me see that. It's not for young children, probably better suited for teenagers. I've only seen it once since then, but I was too hammered to remember anything.
Then I came across the…
The "I'm from MCC"-scene reminded me of "I'm Brian".
The methheads are the worst this season. (It's been a long time since I've watched the first three seasons, but I think I didn't like them then, either.)
The horror movie stuff with Piscatella was ridiculous. Where did he get that equipment? How did he get in unnoticed? How did nobody see him creeping around? What the…
"Sorry. Can I say 'bitches'?"
"You can."
"You can't say that."
"What kinda fucking bullshit rule is that?"
Caligula pretty much showed that the senate was useless and made fun of the nobiles, which is why ancient historians hated him. For example: The whole point of that story that he wanted to make a horse consul is to show how meaningless and powerless the consulate had become.
Nope, Nero probably wasn't that bad. He didn't burn Rome and I don't think that he killed much more senators than other Emperors. Especially the people in the east loved Nero. Appearently, the ancient historians didn't understand his artistic side, so they protrayed him as a ridiculous tyrant, but I don't think he…
Loved System of a down at the end.
Star Wars fans hating the prequels got us the The Force Awakens, an unoriginal movie that solely relied on nostalgia. How is "The bad guys have another death star, but it's even bigger this time" better than the prequels? (I think that The Phantom Menace is mostly shit, too, but I like Episode II and III.)