
Since you mentioned Maul beforce The Phantom Menace, I was reminded of this: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
A very well done fan-film about the young Darth Maul.

Southpark did this (burning down the internet and starting over) in their last episode (S20E10): "Mr Beckett, you had the honour of being the first person the socialize on the new internet. Can you tell us what you did?"
"Well, I sent an email with a photo to my old friend Thomas Winger up in Connecticut."
"And what did

From my limited experience, it is common for sitcoms to decline after 5 or 6 seasons, so it might be good for New Girl to end now (or after one more season) to avoid such major missteps. That said, I too enjoy this show very much and in some way don't want it to end.

Of course the idea that there are satellites in space is ridiculous to Nick.

That scene is so funny, but I'm not sure if that is still accurate. I feel like the attitude towards tv has changed in the last years.

I don't think the episode was horrible (it wasn't good, though) but I have to emphasize: how dumb was the crew to run in the engine room together? AP-5 even warned them, but then he went with the rest anyway.

I too felt that the ending was a bit rushed and extreme, and I thought it was odd that a whole ship exploded, while Chopper didn't suffer any lasting damage. It's like, hey, we have no time left for the episode, so we just do some computer stuff because nobody knows how that works anyway.

Seeing a robot floating through space, I immediately thought of Bender, but what do you know? Appearently, this happens to more robots than you'd think.

I don't know any of the three films you mentioned, so I can't tell if this fits, but I very much liked About Schmidt. I saw it years ago and don't even remember a lot of specifics, but I'm pretty sure it kind of deals with loss and grief.
Anyway, I hope you have a better 2017.

By the way, Bernard Cornwell, the author of the amazing books on which The Last Kingdom is based (haven't seen it and never will since it can not match the books, at least to me), writes the best battle scenes I've read, in different historical epochs no less.

I've watched every season of the show and I think the last few (not sure, how many exactly, maybe four?) seasons were really bad and the show should have ended a few years ago.

I liked the first seasons, even though it's not spectacular or very original, but I think the show has run some years past its prime now.

The actual episodes are only about 15 minutes long.

Really? I think The Clone Wars is way better than Rebels. It has better animation (because Lucas was willing to spend a lot, whereas Disney isn't), longer (and in my opinion much better) story arcs and it wasn't made for kids.

"You know what's weird? Donald Duck never wore pants. But whenever he gets out of the shower, he puts a towel around his waist. I mean, what is that about?"

You're right, these are valid points.

Also, I love that Nick thinks his readers are blue-collar nautical workers, while they actually are teenage girls.
And stuff like "It opens with a very graphic description of his birth" is always great. Mentioning absurd scenes from or facts about books that a character wrote (or a film that a character starred in)

Wasn't it still morning when Nick said he already masturbated six times today? I think it was before Jess went to work. So that is… impressive? Disgusting?

Nick's argument why he needed the coffee: "What else is my Whisky gonna swim in?" For some reason, that reminded me of the time he got drunk at the zoo in order to make experiences like Hemingway.

I haven't seen Spartacus, so I can't say anything about Crassus (?), but I agree: it's always the same with Thrawn. However, I don't think he's winning all the time, he's letting the rebels escape (not necessarily intentionally, I think) and gathering information to locate their base. He hasn't done any damage to the