
"Clearance codes? We can't just download those from any terminal." That is new, isn't it? I feel like normally, a droid like Chopper or R2 can basically do anything with one of these terminals.

You mean he is… hard to watch?

Your last sentence is spot-on.

I don't get this I-don't-take-money-from-anyone-pride. Seems like an US-specific thing to me (it was really absurd in Breaking Bad).

I took a look at a chapter of Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism for some research and was amazed and shocked that there was some resemblance to the current US-President.

I personally love Kafka, so I can only recommend him. It's such a tragedy he didn't finish any of his longer novels.

Actually, Nero wasn't that bad. He didn't burn down Rome and tried to help and made it safer after the big fire. Of course he killed some senators, but pretty much every emporer did that. Our ancient sources mostly speak ill of Nero, because they didn't unterstand him. Nero appearently wanted to be an artist and an

For some reason I just love that line!

"If I didn't propose in a public bathroom while wearing a bobcat costume, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life." That was a fantastic episode!

Either that or she just sent him a horribly unfitting gift which really isn't much better. It seems like they'll break up soon.

"As is Petra’s wont, she’s romantically involved with a total scumbag, Chuck Jesser (Johnny Messner)". Well, it turned out that he's not a total scumbag, since he didn't change that plan and helped Petra to fix the mistake because he cared about her. Petra's speech - that the remodelling means so much to her because

In Jess's words: "Do I sometimes wonder if you're a robot? Yeah."

I'm pretty sure Darryl freaked White Josh out with the baby thing. Also, I now have an even higher opinion of White Josh for not being into the concept of weddings.

Also, Rebecca seems to have referred to her father as the Westchester Sperm Machine, another phrase that her mother made up.

Season 19 was also against Trump: Garrison went to Canada and fucked their Trump, who had built a wall to the US and ruined Canada, to death.

"…and if you're missing two legs, thank you for your service, here's a quarter."

When Winston mentioned that Aly was coming back, I was really happy, but also kind of afraid that they would break up for some reason. I'm very relieved that didn't happen, because Aly is a fantastic character! Nasim Pedrad should get more screen time. (Or does she have too much other stuff going on?)

"Who called the police?"
"Oh no, I guess we better do whatever they say!"
"Why are you guys acting like you're in a porno?"

I have actually never heard of this Red Letter Media, but I totally agree with you that what they appearently say seems to be bullshit, very widespread bullshit though. (If I remember correctly, the Simpsons and Southpark also said the prequels were shit. Who said it first?) So I don't know if this RLM is that

Well, on the one hand I liked that the episode finally adressed Sabine's past and I think it could be healthy for Sabine to open up and confront her past and family. On the other hand, however, she clearly was enabled to beat Kanan by her anger and fear.