
"Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra would bicker like siblings while Hera and Kanan scolded and made demands like parents" - I thought Zeb was something like the drunk uncle. And Chopper is the pet, but a pet that nobody cares for and that is pretty independent and selfish.

I was very surprised that Ezra didn't even realize that Bendu was there, shouldn't he have sensed his presence?

I think the show is trying to make the point that you can't get over your issues by totally fixating on what you think is love and that love, relationships and romance are often misunderstood. At least that's the vibe I get from the show. I think it would contradicting this message if Rebecca and Josh worked out their

You're probably right. Hopefully, they're watching this show and learning.

Rebecca and Josh in Scarsdale kind of reminded me of Greg, bringing Heather to his mother's house as a "witness" to see how awful his mother's family is. Josh even realized that something was wrong, but since he is no Heather (and got bad advice by Rebecca's mom), he drew the wrong conclusion.

And yet she still believes in some magical disney romance fary tails.

She also recently played a hipster who rented Titus's and Kimmy's apartment (or tugboat) with her husband on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Great moment: Nick and Reagan yelling "Winston" as he enters and Winston responding: "Me!"

Yes, I too thought that was a strange thing to say. It would have made more sense to me if she said she didn't like to read in general.

So why does Chopper not get a vote? Seems a bit unfair. He sure is an ass and all, but if Ezra gets a vote, so should Chopper.

Windu would have killed Palpatine if it weren't for Anakin, so he did need him.

"When you can't remember any character's name in the movie without looking it up online. That's a problem." Amen to that!

I watched this in the last few days and the review really nails it. You could see almost every plot/character development coming from a mile away, it was just too much on the nose.
I'm not an expert regarding the music of this time, but I got the impression that the songs where randomly chosen and played in the

"Even though I knew Reagan was coming, when I saw her, I felt like it was christmas morning and I was 10. But a 10-year-old about to have sex… with Santa." So good.
I also liked "squirley" as a way to describe of Jess's behaviour.

I'm missing Orange Is The New Black, which had a spectacular season in my opinion. Also, I'm surprised that there's no Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on the list, but I'm glad to see Crazy Ex-Girlfriend in a high position. It deserves (and might need) more viewers. I guess, I'm gonna watch The Americans some time soon,

I agree about South Park, the last couple of episodes were weak.

Judging from the movies, the rebellion always seemed like a military organization to me. They appear to have a chain of command, and I've never heard anyone say that they're fighting for democracy. All they do is fight the Empire.

Winston's reaction to Schmidt calling Robbie his second best friends was hilarious.

Good review: I too liked the contractor-storyline very much, but the rest was mediocre at best.

Thrawn knew they would attempt to escape. There was one walker too much (as was shown by the question of a trooper in another walker) and Thrawn knew he didn't order any reinforcements, so he knew it had to be the rebels.
Clone Wars had mostly longer arcs, consisting of three or more episodes, but since Rebels is a