
I agree, I didn't care much for Tua. She wasn't in the military and seemed a bit naive and out of place between people like Tarkin, Vader and the Inquisitor, maybe that made her likeable. I thought she was just deflecting the empire to save herself, whereas Kallus's development seems more based on principles.

This was one of the best episodes without Ahsoka or Vader. I think, Kallus's development from a loyal follower of the empire to a rebel informant was very well done, since we saw missing personal warmth and being shocked by the empire's cruelty on various instances. Very well done, show! Best character development as

It would be a shame if one of the very few good character developments - Kallus slowly moving away from the empire - would turn out to be insincere. However, I too thought that he might be or become a double agent, because it sounded a lot like Thrawn knew who helped the rebels. (If I were Kallus, I would get the hell

"Is this part of what girls do? Should I be giggling?" I loved that line by Valencia, so out of place.

The Jess-Robby-relationship felt pretty forced to me and is not gonna end well, but at least it means that Robby is gonna be around for another few episodes. I still like Jess as a character, but she had a lot of dating storylines, and I'm a bit tired of it, especially since the last one (Sam) sucked.

Loved that gag of Nick pouring a ridiculously large amount of whiskey into that pan. Also: "Why are you looking up? Your mother is still alive!"
"Looking at Chicago."
"You think Chicago is up?"
"It's north!"

Not a good episode, but a good review. I didn't pay much attention to it during watching, but that scene where they're eating was really absurd and useless.

That was a great episode, especially compared to last week's one. However, I miss Kenny a little bit. Has he had a line so far this season?

That conversation between Jess and Schmidt was so hilarious. One among many fantastic lines: "That just proves my theory that if you were a man, you would have a very difficult time getting an erection." All that topped by Schmidt, trying to put on that scarf. Also great: Winston talking to the birds on his shirts.

Compared to last season, Rebecca does not seem to do any work anymore. Is anyone else thinking that it might come back to bite her in the ass like her throwing money around did last season?

By the way, there are right-wing parties on the rise in almost every European country, most of whom especially hate Muslims. (Spain and Ireland are the only countries that I can think of that don't have such a party right now. I might be forgetting some, though.) So this is far from being a problem that only exists in

I laughed about what Josh said to Father Bra, being kind of a dick to him by the way: "I know what you're gonna say: be honest blablabla… Jesus likes honesty blablabla… But Jesus didn't have sex with his friend's ex - not that I know of anyway, maybe he did…"

She's also very dismissive of her kids.
White Josh (and Hector) were amazing in this episode.

Gerald said something like trolling makes him feel like a kid again which sounds like he's under the influence of member berries to me. He's always drinking wine while trolling and as we saw at the end, the berries can be put into drinks.

I'm glad to see that this show is getting reviewed again, thank you, Kevin!
One question about the grade though: B- seems okay to me, but the review focuses on the negative aspects very much.
Not that I disagree with the criticism, I think this episode had a very interesting setting with a lot of potential and some good

What bothers me about the who-won-conversation (besides from a few terrible lines like "You ended the Clone Wars") is that appearently, even sixteen (?) years after the Clone Wars, nobody has ever asked the question how they got where they are now. Do people, even the rebels themselves, not think about the jedi, the

Even though I liked the old theme song, I was glad to see they made a new one that fits the new circumstances. I think, it was the best of the musical numbers in this episode.

I found it very amusing that Randy treated Garrison like a byproduct of nostalgia, while The Force Awakens seemed more important to him. And I totally agree that The Force Awakens was an unoriginal rehash.
It's very fitting to make nostalgia one of the major themes of the twentieth season.

I loved that Nick called the one sentence he said about Reagan a speech. Also, it's fitting that Winston and Nick have a small capacity of secrets to keep and that the group would only settle disputes with unanimous votes.
"Please don't dance while we're watching porn videos together."

I read The Flamebearer by Bernard Cornwell and even though the end on this one felt a bit rushed to me, I loved it. Cornwell is so reliable, he delivers one fantastic book every year.