
I just thought they were on a date, and he tried to impress her with his job, trying to show that he is nice and that he cares about people. And yeah, I think it is only inappropriate if he was her councilor or however you call it. If it was just a date, he didn't do anything morally wrong by taking her to the movies.

So when I thought that Healy was on a date with that woman and it just went horribly because of, you know, his personality, I got that totally wrong and Healy was acting even more inappropriately than I thought?

Hilarious: "It's a drone." - "Shit! What's it doing here, like we're some Iraqi wedding." But also: whose drone was that and what is its purpose?

I agree that Morello is not a very good friend, but I think her self-absorption has positive aspects: she can communicate with everyone pretty easily (always having herself as a conversation topic) and nobody regards her as a thread.
Also: are Alex and Morello actually friends? When I saw that scene, I couldn't

If it happens in a later episode, it's not okay.

I totally agree with you; I found the reactions of Lolly and Chang to Piper considering herself a "gangsta" hilarious. The flashbacks can be great, but not every episode needs one, and when there isn't anything to foreshadow them, to pique your curiosity about a character, they can feel kind of forced.
I also forgot a

I totally agree with you, but Tim Blake Nelson's character (I forgot his name) wasn't Kimmy's dad. Her mom married him because he was in charge of the search. Kimmy's actual dad remains pretty much a mistery, I think it was mentioned that she didn't really get to know him, he disappeared or something.

I think the dragons whereabouts will be revealed soon because they are needed to fight those boats. Since any movements by the dragons would have been noticable, I guess they are still down there. I'm really curious how Dany will react to Tyrion's actions while she was gone.

I don't think that was a recall of anything that happened on the show. Maybe Selina just said it because Catherine has been a vegetarian for some time, is a vegan now and seems to care a lot about animals, so she probably doesn't like SeaWorld where (I think?) animals are mistreated. Or maybe I missed something, too.

You might be right, but I just have to hope you're not. Varys would probably get pretty bored by those hotheaded idiots. I hope he somehow makes his way back to King's Landing, hides in the closet and stabs some people in the back to create chaos like in the books.

I always assumed that the Waif had had the same or at least similar training as Arya, but appearently she did not.
Also, Jaqen saying that now Arya truly was no one was like the dumbest thing ever. I mean, she was pointing Needle right at him.

Good question! We know now that the Children of the Forrest created
the White Walkers to protect themselves against humanity, but it remains
unclear why the White Walkers turned on their creators and I also don't
how the Three-Eyed Raven is related to the Children of the Forrest.

If you're looking for the most degrading way for anyone to die, I suggest the death of Tywin Lannister: by the hands of his own family while taking a shit.

I really enjoyed this season and I loved its schedule, because seasons that last from September to May often seem like a drag to me, but this one had no long pauses between episodes and I think they made very good use of the double episodes.

What about Varys's spiders? I didn't get that.
When I saw Kevan and thought, right, he's still alive because Varys left, I assumed that Littlefinger (haven't seen him in a while and he had the magic ability just to show up, regardless of how long the way would be) is gonna stab him in the back. I don't know if he had

"Good night and stay tuned for a special Mother's Day edition of Bitch Hunter!"

The future queen Cersei will lose everything to is obviously Dany. Cersei is missunderstanding this prophecy and, as always, acting short-sightedly. In the end, Dany will come to Westeros and take the throne; the endgame will be fire vs. ice.

Exactly. Fire (= Dany and dragons) vs ice (white walkers) seems like the logical endgame to me.

I think you mean Reagan. Aly is Winson's colleague and now his girlfriend. Also, I thought that Reagan was quite alright.

"What if my act involves standing?" "An interactive couch museum" - I think Titus is a very relatable character in this regard.