
I think there might be people here who watch as the reviews come up, so maybe you're one episode early. Perhabs a spoiler warning might be in order?

I really hope the Greyjoys won't be part of the series, because I found their storyline to be pretty boring in the books. Why did Martin come up with another two places (one of them just being a stupid boat) and bunch of characters? I could not have cared less about these storylines, I even liked Dorne better for

"Do not look at Mr Jordan! Do not look at him in the eye!"

A great line by Titus: "No wonder Jesus quit carpentry. It's so much harder than talking on a donkey."

I just hope they use Kimmy's issues with sex and the reverent to bring back the drunk lady next season.

I was wandering if her last name, Robespierre, is supposed to tell us anything and a monster, but a pitiable one could actually work because it kinda fits Maximilien Robespierre. However, I might be overthinking this.

I find the casual lines by/about rich people like "School is closed for Rupert Murdoch's birthday" in this episode or "Julian and I are in business together to do fracking in Central Park" in the one before hilarious.

"Too bad we'll never know who he is. He could have been my stunt double if I was ever get to be cast in a movie that involved stairs."

I don't get the anagramm thing. I mean, I know what an anagramm is, but I don't see it. Would anyone please explain that to me?

The beginning reminded me of "But where would I sit patiently in the dark until the next day begins… I mean sleep."

I don't think Dong could wear those because of his latex-allergy.

I found it funny (and was asking myself if that was supposed be mean anything) that Jacqueline's "I'm gonna make you wish you never climbed up there" was followed by Kimmy - climbing out off the bunker.

Cyndee always (she did it last season, too) introducing herself as if Kimmy must have forgotten about her reminds me of Phoebe, Jack Donaghy's first fiancé. She always told Lemon something like "Hi, I'm Phoebe. You probably don't remember me. I have hollow bones…" But even if that joke isn't new, I still like it.

I wouldn't disagree with you about Friends being unrealistic, but I specifically remember Monica saying that her apartment was her grandmother's place and she could never afford it on her own.

I'm just waiting for the Musical: Spiderman Too: 2 Many Spidermen.

Some prove: "As you know, my single My single is dropping is dropping."

Didn't someone walk in on him once when he apparently got a blowjob from a client?

As long as Jimmy doesn't tell her, she won't find out. I think Jimmy was acting deliberately; he wanted to make it look like a spelling mistake, so that nobody ever finds out it was him.
The problem is - as the reviewer pointed out - that he's the kind of guy who won't keep a secret to himself. He'll problably rubb it

Cool, thanks. I'm gonna watch that stuff on youtube. So what happened to Ventress?

Yeah, when I first saw the Clone Wars episode where Ahsoka left the order, I thought that she could be with Lux now, but Rebels never mentioned him.