
I think he also got some nice meals out of it.

Did she? I didn't see that, that is an interesting observation.
And I think, they don't clarify that because it's a kid show. So I suspect, that there won't be any mentioning of how humans procreate, because god forbid, if kids knew about that!

I think you have discovered Disney's overall strategy for Star Wars here: no good ideas on their own, so they just try to copy old stuff. The sad thing is that it seems to be working.

This was an improvement to most episodes, yet I still have some complains. First: Han and Chewie have trouble with the Falcon's hyperdrive all the time, but Hera's ship can make the jump through hyper space in that condition?
Second: it's good to see the rebels actually struggeling (morally) with what to do, because

I was talking about A New Hope. It does make sense, at least more sense, for Episode VII, but to be honest I think that was garbage anyway.

I think Solo and this guy who gets choked by Vader kinda represent what most people think and hearing about the Clone Wars doesn't have to mean that the jedi are also remembered. The other thing is a good point, but I would still agree with Rafterman00.

Actually, I haven't seen any trailer. I was just guessing.

30 Rock is perhabs my favorite show ever and nothing could really ruin it for me, but Hazel was annoying and I was always wondering why this character was put on the show. Everyone was great except her.

Yeah, I always thought that 20 years were way to short for people to totally forget about the jedi and the force (even high ranked emperial officers), even if Palpatine ordered them to be erased from all history books. They existed for I don't know how many hundred years (Yoda alone was 900 years old). That doesn't

I'm hoping that there's gonna be an awesome fight between Asohka and Vader at some point. And sadly, Vader will have to kill her, because, if you think about, who else could?

There are only Rex and Ahsoka and Ahsoka hasn't had many appearences. You don't even know what she's doing all the time, although I personally would think that to be interesting.
Also, I'm curious: why do you not like TCW? And do you like Rebels more and if so, what makes it better to you?

One time, the Fifth Brother could have easily killed Zap, but instead decided to have a fist fight with him. When he was later choking Kanan the Seventh Sister kicked Kanan, instead of killing him with her lightsaber. I wonder if that makes sense to anyone?

Okay, I didn't know that the Inquisitors are an old EU invention, because I never really cared about that. I just thought the rule of two forbade people like that.
But Vader's plan seems pretty stupid to me: wouldn't you rather kill (or capture) the force-sensitive enemies than some repleaceable pilots?

You're right, there would be some very interesting stuff to cover, much room for interesting developments left, but they aren't really looking into that (yet?), which is pretty disappointing. Sadly, it's a kids show, as plain said.
And by the way, the jedi weren't killed by stormtroopers, but by clones. (As Kanan

I hope that some day, Kyle Katarn will turn up in one of these new Star Wars features.

Characterwise, I like that Chopper's kind of an ass. It's like he's the only one with a personality. By the way, I think it's stupid that Agent Kallus is smiling in the end when he learns that the rebels have escaped. So he doesn't give a shit about the actual cause, or what?
Also I'm a bit confused: did Ezra listen to

Years after I watched this show and still I haven't forgotten this great episode, but even the second time it was a stunning watch.
Some thoughts, though. First: Gus isn't the stonecold man everyone sees in him. He did this for business, money and power, yes, but I think some moments in this episode made clear that

That's really interesting, thanks. By the way, I think, there is a TCW episode (or two) where Anakin takes some risk to save R2-D2, and another droid is somehow involved. I think, it's in season 1, but I'm not quite sure. That might shed some light on that problem.

When the twins break into Walt's house in Caballo sin nombre Mike watches them and informs Gus who calls them into Pollos. Mike even says something like "I'm assuming, Goodman doesn't need to know about that." Later - I think in Green Light - Gus and Mike meet and discuss how to preceed with Walt and Mike passes

Right, I forgot about that.