
I'm not sure about your first point, but the second is totally right. To me, it looked like they could have just walked out of there like the stormtroopers asked, come back later and nobody would have been killed, but instead they started shooting those poor bastards right out of the blue. Also it was, assuming that

I don't really see how you came to this conclusion, but that would be interesting. This show remains vage about the characters' sexuality (is there something going on between Hera and Kanan; also it seems to me like Ezra has a crush on Sabine?) which suggests that it's made for children. By the way, as far as I

Really? Didn't know that, didn't think about that. So stormtroopers are cost-effective, too?

I found it very strange that you couldn't see the faces of the imperial guys on that star destroyer. Keeping the enemy faceless, presenting them only as evil and dumb is on of the things that bother me on this show. That's to simple, to superficial, just black and white.

That makes much sense to me. And Ahsoka vs. Vader would be a good fight to watch as long as they don't screw it up.

"I love you."
"I know."
How is that not great?
But yeah, the Padmé and Anakin parts especially in Attack of the Clones suck.

Sorry, but I personally hope, they don't bring on Darth Vader, because it's ridiculous that Vader wouldn't win against two padawans. If Vader makes another appearance, it should only be to kill these losers. How is he any good at what he does if he can't do that?

I hope, they're trying that, because an easy way to archieve that could be making some episodes that focus on Ahsoka. We haven't seen much of her so far. Also Senator Organa was mentioned, so maybe he'll be appearing soon.

Oh, you're right, I thought that Cad Bane and Mandalore stuff and so on was later. I stand corrected then.

I totally agree that even in its first seasons, Clone Wars was way better than Rebels. I just would't call the the first two seasons of Clone Wars great, they were okay, solid.

I still can't believe they canceled The Clone Wars for this. It's so superficial and shallow: many of their pilots die? Nobody cares, let's start the next attack! The two "jedi" can barely use the force? Whatever, they can still escape Darth Vader. It's all so black and white, the characters aren't really characters,