
I have one, and it’s a game changer. You’re still upright, which is never going to be great, but it alleviates neck pain and those nodding-head wake-ups.

This is the way.

Neck pillow, noise cancelling earphones, hat pulled down over my eyes, blanket wrapped cocoon-like around me – seatbelt over blanket, legs fully extended under seat in front of me, seat fully reclined.

One of my buddies swears by these medical-looking collar pillows that allow you to rest your head when you’re not fortunate enough to get a window seat. I haven’t actually used one, but I canNOT fall asleep on planes and I would love to try one.

This is really common in the Seattle area. One lane, two direction, and crowded parking means you take what you can get on whichever side is available. 

I disagree, half the islands will be full and the other side will be 1/2 or less the people. I go where ever is shortest line. Of course I will pick the side that matches first but I am not going to wait for it.

The Super Bowl airs the same time across the country. This hasn’t aired on the west coast yet. 

For me, Popeye is associated with chicken far more than with spinach, so I shamefully admit that in the heat of the moment, I would probably also say “chicken”. I would not do a little dance, however.

On one hand I want to say that it’s proof bleach kills brain cells but then I realized this girl is so young she may have no idea who Popeye the Sailor man is. Her only exposure to the name Popeye may be the Chicken place.

I see that we killed some people, apparently with full knowledge that there would be retaliation, and that once the dust clears and more people are dead, we’ll have achieved nothing for the people of the region, the United States, or the world.

Hell yeah motherfucker! USA! USA!!! Can’t wait to celebrate some dead Iranian civilians! Fuck yes!!!! Flag covered coffins arriving at Dover AFB by the thousands for decades to come! THESE COLORS DON’T RUN MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! A generation of US soldiers, and Iranians (soldier and civilian) with irreversible

Oh great, the warmonger who has never had an original thought in his entire life is here with the laziest “Actually, Iran is bad” takes. I bet you ran around in 2003 screaming “Sadam’s no angel!”

Yeah. I’m not entirely sold on these things (general paranoia, I guess), but this is certainly not the sort of article that pushes me further from them. This and the videos that are consistently being posted of people stealing packages, trying to break into others’ houses, etc., are exactly the evidence that makes me

Yeah dude, I’m definitely not going to buy one now, on the off chance that I decide to murder someone in my home and then confess to it within “earshot” of the Ring camera.

“Their software isn’t great but it’s nowhere near the shitshow it used to be.”

Agreed. Nerfing Rose was the most pandering move Jar Jar Abrams and Disney made. The russian bots, racists and incels won you cowards.

It was really funny when they asked Rose to go with them, and she gave some lame excuse about having to study plans for old star destroyers. They might as well have just put a title card on screen that said she died on the way back to her home planet. 

It’s best to stop refering to them as “mystery boxes”, mysteries have actual thought out endings that make the mystery come into focus and the clues you’ve been given pay off.

JJ Abrams is a “Loot Crate” writer. He doesn’t curate ideas, the just takes a bunch of crap and stuffs them in a box hoping that someone will

The most epic tragic romance over three weeks since Starship Troopers.

“Sure, you kidnapped me, tortured me, murdered your own father, almost murdered your mother, tried to turn me to the dark side multiple times, helped destroy multiple worlds and murdered billions of people, all but destroyed the Resistance, and tried to kill my friends...but whatever! Smoochies!”