
Yeah, yeah, it's a retread, sure. What if instead, the bad guys come up with some sort of huge, planet destroying weapon. Maybe one that's like part of a planet or the size of a planet.

Make the Republic great again!

“You almost have to feel sorry for The Rise Of Skywalker. Yes, this is a guaranteed blockbuster, the very opposite of an underdog, the latest entry in one of the most popular media franchises in human history. It will make a billion dollars, and you will not. Yet the movie, the last in a new trilogy of Star Wars

“It contradicted previously established canon (the force doesn’t belong to the Jedi, and the Jedi aren’t special)“



Selective breeding is gene editing, friendo.

Finally, a brave white knight ready to smack-talk virtue signalling. We recognize and appreciate your virtuous virtue-signal-shaming.

The blurb up top makes it clear what happened. “The AV Club” is a collection of individuals. Some of them thought the film was pretty good, but enough of them really hated it that it made the list. And now the comment section is going to be dominated by 20-something white guys crying about it.

Hi, former print journalist here, and a woman at that. No, it is absolutely not a tool in the toolbox. When you’re an actual journalist, the message about sex with sources is very clear. It is an unequivocal violation of journalistic ethics. You can and will and should be fired for it. What’s more, female reporters

It is possible to take a true story that involves a real injustice, and still portray it in a way that twists the lessons we should learn from that story or serves a more nefarious storyline. Richard Jewell truly faced an injustice, and was screwed over in a way that shows some pretty systemic issues with law

Not sure where the OP is going, but I don’t think anyone is objecting to the scene because it portrays a woman having a sexual side.  No one is mad because they expected Scruggs to be “sexless” and she was portrayed as being a person interested in sex.  They are objecting because the specific sexual transaction at

That is actually a fair point. One I kinda alluded to in a really bad way with "how things change." You are right. There is no missing the white sticks on people's heads, and they are ubiquitous enough that it's not weird. 

I don’t think the point was an aesthetic value judgement. Adam was just pointing out that the Apple products are distinctive and are most like a visible accessory. These headphones are much more minimal. He only says it’s plain in the context of if it’s a status symbol or not.

Yeah the 10 million new Alexa devices sold last quarter are a sure sign of a dying fad  

If you - the teacher - walked into your kindergarden class and saw 29 kids playing with 20 toys, and one kid over in the corner by himself with 300 toys, you’d punish the one asshole kid.

You mean the thousands and thousands of people he gainfully employed?

All good points but even more broadly speaking:

Baby step progress makes it that much easier for the next administration to regress.

This is good kinja.

These corporate billionaires do know what the sites they own are all about, right?