
Wow!  This is a great post about sports, sports only, and nothing else besides sports!

May I suggest a new Deadspin mascott, Sticky; The Stick-to-Sports Stick. Sticky lives in Jim Spanfeller’s butt.

The bar for redemption is VERY low for some people apparently. All I know about this person is from this AITA post, and judging by some of his other responses in that thread, I’m not exactly ready to celebrate this jerk realizing he’s being a jerk. 

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

The wrong side is the one that makes you look like a Captain Planet villain.

It’s really the opposite.  It’s amazing his handlers would allow him out in public like this knowing how much he’s hated outside his little bubble.

DreamHouse is a joint venture of Authentic Brands Group and G/O Media. We deliver compelling product, innovative content, and immersive brand experiences. We create and activate original marketing strategies that drive the success of our brands across all consumer touchpoints, platforms, and emerging media. Our

You’re going to piss off a lot of divorced dads by omitting Bob Seger.

I wonder how long it will take before some local newspaper digs through the guy’s social media history to rake him over the coals for something stupid he said when he was a literal child like the last time someone got internet-famous asking for beer. 

because despite the concerns over privacy (information people regularly turn over anyways), the gains are often better than the losses.

It didn’t even get a eulogy like Gawker managed.

Load up your tablet (or phone if that’s all you got) before you fly!  Both Netflix and Amazon Prime will let you download hours and hours worth of content for offline viewing. I’m flying to Japan at the end of the month and plan to use the time to watch shows I’ve never gotten around to.

I have absolutely seen it, and it’s not that rare. Most common with parents who have young kids. I used to complain about them before I had a kid of my own. Then I had a kid, taught him from a very young age that you had to be totally quiet on a train/bus/airplane and how to wear headphones, and now I complain about

What person with their own device doesn’t bring headphones and play at full volume? I’ve never experienced that on any flight.

Riddle me this, what will there be when milkshake is drunk?

No.  Height, build, voice, presence... I just don’t see it.

Because betraying your allies (besides being moraly wrong) means that when you will need allies you wont have any allies left.

Yes, this. If El Camino had come out on the heels of the show, it would have been fine to kill Jesse or put him in jail. But you can’t come back after six years just to hate fuck your audience. That’s both insane and unacceptable.